
From the Trenches

“Well-being interventions for rural health professionals: A scoping review”

Skye McKennon, PharmD, BCPS, ACSM-GEI; Suzanne Fricke, DVM, MLIS; Dawn DeWitt, MDMSc, CMedEd, MACP, FRACP, FRCP-London

Co-authored by one of our fellow ACP Well-being Champions (Dr. DeWitt), the objective of this scoping review is to identify interventions to promote well-being that have been tried or proven effective to prevent or address burnout in rural health care professionals and trainees (HCPTs). Secondarily, we aimed to identify potentially applicable and feasible well-being interventions that could help rural HCPTs.

“From Surviving to Thriving: Prioritizing Wellness in Medical School”

Rashmeet Kaur, MPH, ACP Council of Student Members

Read about how finding balance, letting go, engaging in self-care, and reaching out for support can help with well-being during medical school.

Read here!

“Music Therapy in Hospice”

From the latest episode of the Core IM podcast, learn how music therapy can help create connection, ease anxiety, and process emotions at the end of life.

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Back to the March 21, 2025 issue of ACP IM Thriving