
Initiatives to Advance Equity in Obesity Management

Initiatives for Equity in Obesity Management

ACP’s commitment to health equity includes addressing systemic factors that influence chronic health conditions, particularly those that disproportionately impact underserved populations. One risk factor often presents with and exacerbates such conditions: body weight that meets clinical criteria for obesity.

Recognizing that the predictors of obesity are often wrapped up in healthcare access, weight stigma and culture, and other socioeconomic factors, ACP is designing a broad range of initiatives to reduce the impact of obesity on US populations.

Obesity Management Learning Hub

ACP has developed a variety of resources addressing multiple aspects of patient engagement and care to assure a team-based approach to managing obesity. Resources include interactive learning modules, webinars, and podcasts. ACP is also updating clinical practice guidelines for obesity management, and the educational resources will be updated as needed when the guideline(s) are published.

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Community Outreach Grants to ACP Chapters

ACP has launched a grant program to enable ACP chapters to implement outreach projects addressing equity challenges in obesity care.

This initiative works to lift visibility of existing and new ACP activities to:

  • Empower medical professionals to partner with their patients experiencing obesity in an equitable and bias-free manner
  • Address obesity treatment, cardiometabolic conditions related to obesity, and/or preventive care for general health among people with obesity
  • Leverage regional innovation and creativity and broaden opportunities for member engagement across the country

These projects are encouraged to be collaborations with health delivery systems, community-based service organizations, academic institutions, and/or health professional networks, and can leverage the high-quality educational resources already developed by ACP, to help reduce existing educational and training gaps for obesity care. We have witnessed incredible creativity from our members working in their chapters in the past, and we are excited to see how this grant program will inspire further transformative ideas.

Linked below, you will find the application information and selection process outline for the grants. We encourage our chapters, and/or individual members from chapters, to review the details and consider submitting their innovative proposals. Letters of interest are due on January 20, 2025.

For questions, please reach out to Tess Bradstock, Strategy Associate or Adrienne White-Faines, Chief Strategy Officer.

ACP App Library: Mobile Weight Management Applications

ACP recently launched the ACP App Library, designed to identify safe, secure and effective mobile health apps for patients to monitor and manage their health, including weight management. Additional funding will allow us to expand awareness and adoption of apps among physicians and their patients.

Learn More & Explore the ACP App Library