
From the Trenches

Invitation to Submit Quality and Well-being Champion Posters

The annual Quality and Well-being Champion Reception is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your QI or well-being initiatives and network with fellow champions. Poster presenters will have the opportunity to present their project outcomes to ACP Governance and Leadership, ACP Advance coaches, faculty, and fellow QI and Well-being Champions. The reception will take place on Friday, April 28, 2023, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Pacific Time.

Please download the submission form for more information on how to submit your application. The deadline for submissions is December 16, 2022. Award winners and poster presenters will be notified by January 31, 2023. Please contact ACPQI@acponline.org with any questions.

Download application

ACP National Abstract Competitions now includes the category of Physician Well-being and Professional Fulfillment. You are encouraged to resubmit the same abstract for recognition at our Quality and Well-being Champion Reception.

Compassion Moments: Skills for Patient Care & Self Care

By Sonia Raaum, MD, FACP

Explore Compassion Moments to integrate skills into clinical encounters and self-care. Included is an overview of how skills can be integrated into interactions and clinical reasoning via the SOAP format used by many health care professionals.

Want to be featured in our newsletter? Share your success stories and those of inspirational colleagues (both ACP Champions and partners) by e-mailing acpwellbeing@acponline.org.

Back to the November 18, 2022 issue of ACP IM Thriving