
Officer Profiles: Ana María López, MD, FACP, and Andrew Dunn, MD, FACP

ACP is delighted to introduce our incoming ACP President, Dr. Ana María López, and our incoming Chair of the Board of Regents, Dr. Andrew Dunn. Read on to learn about who they are, where they’re from, their careers and their hobbies.

Maria Lopez

Incoming ACP President: Ana María López, MD, MPH, FACP
Current Occupation: Medical Oncologist/Associate Vice President
Medical School: Jefferson University
Residence: Salt Lake City, Utah


  1. I was born in . . . La Paz, Bolivia. I was the daughter of two pathologists. We came to the United States when I was six years old. I spent most of my growing up in Chicago. We moved to Phoenix when I was 16.
  2. As a child, I was . . . fascinated by biographies. There seemed to be nothing more intriguing than the human spirit.
  3. I decided to be a doctor . . . very early on. I rubbed boo boos in the playground. Held ice on wounds. I loved being able to make things better.
  4. The person(s) who influenced me the most . . . there are so many incredible mentors—my parents and teachers, of course, and even the historical characters whose stories enriched my life.


  1. I chose internal medicine because . . . I loved the blend of complexity of mind, body, and spirit.
  2. What I find most rewarding about my career is . . . time with patients, students, peers, and staff—all opportunities for healing.
  3. I joined ACP because . . . I met the members! Nowhere else had I seen the commitment to patient care and professionalism personified.
  4. My advice to medical students is . . . the secret of caring for the patient is caring for the patient.


  1. A person I greatly admire is/was . . . my parents who came to this country, far from their home, as a young couple with two young children and a lot of passion, commitment, and hope to contribute to a better future.
  2. My family includes . . . my two children, my parents, sisters, their families, and a wonderful extended family.
  3. My interests/hobbies are . . . reading, writing, walking, and enjoying time with friends and family.
  4. If I had the time, I would like to learn . . . Quechua and Aymara, the native tongues of my native land. History, culture, and worldview can be so intertwined with language.
  5. I enjoy listening to . . . all music and occasional podcasts.
  6. I enjoy watching . . . old movies, mysteries, and comedies.
  7. My idea of a great vacation is . . . spending time on the beach with my children enjoying the waves.
  8. Something others may not know about me is . . . I love to dance.
  9. If I could be anything other than a physician I would be . . . a poet.


Andrew Dunn

Incoming Chair, Board of Regents:  Andrew Dunn, MD, FACP
Current Occupation: Chief, Division of Hospital Medicine, Mount Sinai Health System
Medical School:  New York University
Residence:  Montebello, NY


  1. I was born and raised in . . . Long Island, NY (pronounced “Lawng Island”).
  2. As a child, I was . . . chubby and cheerful.
  3. I decided to be a doctor . . . because I was brain-washed by my RN mother. Mother knows best.
  4. The person(s) who influenced me the most . . . was Barry Coller. Barry was my Chair and mentored me through my first projects in anticoagulation and thrombosis. More importantly, he taught me what it means to be an academic physician.


  1. I chose internal medicine because . . . I love the diagnostic challenges and breadth of general medicine.
  2. What I find most rewarding about my career is . . . mentoring junior faculty.
  3. I joined ACP because . . . ACP always places the patient first. The organization has a true North Star, to use wording favored by another wonderful role model, Steve Weinberger.
  4. An award or achievement I am proud of is . . . being elected Chair of the ACP Board of Governors in 2015. To be elected to a leadership position by BOG colleagues for whom I had the greatest respect and admiration and get the opportunity to help guide the College for a year was an extraordinary honor.
  5. My advice to medical students is . . . to find that specialty or interest for which you have the greatest passion. Find your passion and you will never have to go to work.


  1. A person I greatly admire is/was . . . my father. Trite but true! He was taken too soon; so much more fun we would have had together.
  2. I like people who . . . are courteous.
  3. My family includes . . . Mona, my lovely wife and surgical NP; Jason, my oldest son who is an undergrad at Temple; Josh, my younger son who is a high school freshman and shooting guard.
  4. My interests/hobbies are . . . rooting for the Yankees (I apologize in advance for the upcoming havoc on the American League), reading non-fiction, skiing, tennis, and watching superhero movies with my boys.
  5. If I had the time, I would like to learn . . . to speak Spanish fluently.
  6. I enjoy listening to . . . both kinds of music: hard rock and classic rock.
  7. I enjoy watching . . . baseball/football; Nat Geo Wild (Dr. Pol is another role model).
  8. My idea of a great vacation is . . . seeing any part of the world I haven't seen with my wife and boys. Iceland is #1 so far!
  9. Something others may not know about me is . . . I'm trying to learn ballroom dancing.
  10. If I could be anything other than a physician I would be . . . working for NASA trying to figure out how to get someone to Mars, and, hopefully, back.

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