
Medical Student Activities at ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2017

Thursday, March 30

Mastering the Match (11:15 am-12:45 pm, Room 2)
Gain insight from residency program directors about interview techniques and how to evaluate potential residency programs.

ACP Doctor's Dilemma Elimination Rounds (2:00-6:00 pm, Rooms 29AB, 29BC)
Enjoy watching this fast-paced, Jeopardy-style program in which resident winners from local chapters test their knowledge of internal medicine.

Success on Step 1 and Step 2 CK & CS Exams (2:15-3:45 pm, Room 8)
This course will help students prepare for the Step 1 and Step 2 CK (Clinical Knowledge) and CS (Clinical Skills) exams.  Material covered includes information about the ways that people learn, studies comparing medical learning techniques, and resources and technology to help medical students prepare for the high-stakes exams on which they must be successful during medical school.            

Friday, March 31

ACP Doctor's Dilemma Semi-Final Rounds (4:00-6:00 pm, Rooms 29AB, 29BC)
Enjoy watching this fast-paced, Jeopardy-style program in which resident winners from local chapters test their knowledge of internal medicine.

Stump the Professor (2:15-3:45 pm, Room 14)
Understand the thought processes of an experienced internist while solving medical problems.

International Medical Students Information Session (4:00-5:00 pm, Room 4)
Hosted by the Council of Student Members, this event will be facilitated by residency program directors and will address the questions and concerns of international medical students.

Saturday, April 1

Medical Student Mentoring Breakfast (7:00-9:00 am, Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina, San Diego Ballroom C)
Medical students are invited to gather with internist mentors to discuss career options in internal medicine.

Medical Student Poster Competition (9:45-11:15 am, Hall BC)
Posters will be on display for viewing at this time. If you are participating in the poster competition please review the information that was sent to you for competition details.            

Medical Students Abstract Presentation Luncheon (11:00 am-12:30 pm, Room 4)
Winners of the competition present their award-winning work in the Research and Clinical Vignette categories. Complimentary boxed lunches will be provided.

Closing Session - Internal Medicine Meeting 2017 Highlights and Doctor’s Dilemma Finals (5:15-6:30 pm, Ballroom 20BC)
The “Final Five” teams of residents who survive Thursday’s and Friday’s competitions will face off in the championship round.

Young Achievers Recognition Reception (6:30-7:30 pm, Center Terrace, Upper Level)
Join us as we celebrate the winners of the Medical Student and Resident/Fellow Abstract Competitions, the winning 2017 ACP Doctor’s Dilemma team, and other national award winners.

2017 Internal Medicine Meeting Registration for ACP Student Members is free

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