ACP ethics education resources cover a broad range of issues in clinical ethics, professionalism, teaching, research, health care delivery, and other topics. Each resource can be used as a learning activity and completed for free CME/MOC credits as indicated or used as a teaching tool.
- Ethics Case Studies for CME/MOC
- Ethics Manual Activity for CME/MOC
- Position Paper Activities for CME/MOC
- Additional Ethics Case Studies
ACP Ethics Case Study Series
Each case study draws on an ethical challenge encountered by physicians in everyday practice, teaching or research. Free CME/MOC credits are available from ACPs Online Learning Center. Free CME/MOC credits are available for completion of case studies on Medscape as indicated (a free Medscape login is required for access and completion).
- Chaperones, Professional Boundaries and the Potential for Misunderstandings CME/MOC
- Why Cant I Be There? Ethics Regarding Restrictions on Visitation/Family Caregiver Presence CME/MOC
- Pain Management Near the End-of-Life: What Would Mom Want? CME/MOC
- Ethics, Professionalism, Physician Employment and Health Care Business Practices CME/MOC
- Lab Results Reporting, Ethics, and the 21st Century Cures Act Rule on Information Blocking CME/MOC
- Physician Suicide Prevention: The Ethics and Role of the Physician Colleague and the Healing Community CME/MOC
- CME泭
Ethics Manual (CME/MOC)
The ACP Ethics Manual is the core of College ethics policy. The seventh edition examines issues in medical ethics, reflecting on the ethical tenets of medicine and their application to emerging challenges while also revisiting older issues that are still very pertinent. It helps physicians be prepared to deal with ethical challenges: to identify and reaffirm the fundamentals of medical ethicssuch as the patient-physician relationshipand apply principles and reasoned arguments in resolving dilemmas and in debate about ethics topics.
A 25-question quiz module on the seventh edition of the Ethics Manual is available for up to 10 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM and MOC Points. The activity is free for ACP members and Annals subscribers.
Annals of Internal Medicine offers the following CME/MOC activity for ACP members and Annals subscribers:
- (Ann Intern Med. published online 15 March 2021) CME/MOC
Additional position papers cover a broad range of health care ethics issues and can be used as a teaching tool.
Additional Ethics Case Studies
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- Must You Disclose Mistakes Made by Other Physicians?
- Providing Care to Undocumented Immigrants
- Twenty-eight additional case studies are published in the book泭
For more information on these and other educational content, please contact Lois Snyder Sulmasy, JD, at or at 215-351-2835.