
Physician and Practice Timeline Updates

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The Physician and Practice Timeline is an online tool to help physicians stay on top of important dates and track deadlines for a variety of regulatory, payment, educational, and delivery system changes, requirements and opportunities.

  • Participate in CMS Feedback Sessions: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is looking for practice managers and administrative staff to learn how to make Items and Services feedback for the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) applicable and actionable for clinicians and their staff. All participants must work for practices that have participated in MIPS and plan to continue participating in 2018. Sessions will last 1 hour, and participants will receive $150 for participating. If you are interested, please email.
  • CMS has updated its : This will include 2018 MIPS eligibility and predictive qualifying APM participant data in one place. The predictive quality payment status is based on calculations from claims with dates of service between January 1, 2017 and August 31, 2017.
  • CMS has announced that physician practices/groups may now to check their 2018 eligibility for MIPS. Groups will be able to see the eligibility status of every clinician in the group to find out whether they need to participate during the 2018 performance year for MIPS. Exempt individual clinicians will still need to report if their group is eligible and chooses to report as a group. The look-up tool can be found .
  • MIPS performance feedback reports now available: Reports can be accessed at the using Enterprise Identity Data Management (EIDM) credentials. If you have not previously established an EIDM account, please visit the EIDM . Reports are also available for MIPS APM participants in a Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) Accountable Care Organization (ACO) (i.e. Track 1). To better understand your feedback report, see the .

To sign up for Physician and Practice Timeline alerts, text ACPtimeline (no space) to 313131 from your mobile phone.

Back to the September 07, 2018 issue of ACP Advocate