
2019 Archives

How ACP Advocacy Efforts Helped Physicians and Patients in 2019; ACP Speaks Out in Opposition to Interference in Patient-Physician Relationship in Proposed Ohio Legislation
Final 2020 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Includes Wins for Primary and Cognitive Care; Final Quality Payment Program Rule Released With Changes That Affect Primary Care in 2020
ACP Expands Policy Papers on Prescription Drug Pricing; ACP: Tighter Regulations, More Research Needed on E-Cigarettes and Their Consequences; Primary Care First Model to Debut with Several ACP Recommendations in Place
ACP Continues to Push for Reducing Firearm-Related Injuries and Deaths, and an End to Gun Violence; ACP Carries on Advocacy for Protecting Patient Interest Regardless of Immigration Status; Survey Reveals 86 Percent of Practices Feel Regulatory Burdens Have Worsened
ACP Applauds Proposals to Increase Medicare Payment for Cognitive Care, Simplify Documentation; Reaction to Executive Order on Future of Medicare Mixed; ACP Joins Others in Advising CMS on Best Ways to Reduce Prior Authorization Burdens
ACP Responds to WSJ Commentary on Social Justice Education in Medical School; Introduction of Drug Pricing Plan Offers Hope for Resolving Increasing Prescription Drug Prices; Site-Neutral Payment Policy at Risk After Federal Court Ruling
ACP Responds to CMS Request for Information on Putting Patients Over Paperwork; ACP Joins Allied Physician Organizations in Opposition to Immigration-Related Health Policies; ACP: Title X Changes Interfere With Physician-Patient Relationship
ACP Joins Other Physician Organizations in Outlining Steps to Rein in Gun Violence; Congressional Budget Deal Passed, Paving Way for Appropriations Bills in Fall; Legislation to Prevent Rising Drug Costs Making Way Through House, Senate
Proposed 2020 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Embraces Reforms That Reflect Value of Primary Care; also, ACP Advocates for Physicians and Patients in ‘Surprise Billing’ Debate
ACP to Congress: Protect Physicians From Overwhelming Medical School Student Loan Debt; AMA Opposition to Single-Payer Care Main Issue of Debate at Annual Meeting
ACP Expresses Support for Legislation Aimed at Improving Vaccination Rates; As Congress Works Toward Reducing Health Care Costs, ACP Continues to Provide Feedback, Suggestions; ACP Offers Counsel on Proposed Interoperability Rules
Protect Quality Health Care, ACP's Doctors Tell Congress; ACP Honors Dr. Noel Deep for Advocacy Efforts; ACP Decries New Laws Limiting Access to Reproductive Services as Harmful to Doctor-Patient Relationship
Who's Taking the Tech Route on Patient Care?; Why Tackle Climate Change? 'Our Health and the Planet Are at Stake'; ACP Fears New Rule Makes More Patients Vulnerable to Not Getting Needed Care
CMS Unveils New Payment Models for Primary Care; Looking Ahead at What's 'Hot' in Advocacy; New ACP Leadership Speaks Out for Advocacy
Want to Improve the Affordable Care Act? Here's How, Suggests ACP; ACP Steps Up Efforts to Protect Veterans' Health Care; Taking Advocacy to the Courts
Patients' and Physicians' Seamless Access to Health Information Should Be the Goal, ACP Tells Congress; New Law Would Extend Civil Rights, Ease Health Disparities for LGBT Community; ACP Takes Aim at Firearms Violence on State and National Level
Want to Cut Health Care Costs? Here's How, ACP Tells Congress; Amid Measles Outbreaks, ACP Reiterates Opposition to Non-medical Vaccine Exemptions; ACP Objects to Federal Policy Changes Seen as a Gag Order on Physicians
Federal Government Proposes Regulations to Improve Health Information Technology and Exchange Efforts; Changes Needed in Regulatory Plans for Health Insurance Marketplace, ACP Tells CMS; 'Our Climate Is Changing, and Our Health Is Suffering,' ACP Tells Congress
ACP Speaks Out in Defense of the Affordable Care Act; Washington Swirls With Proposals to Get a Grip on Rising Drug Prices; Group of Six Takes Health Care Concerns Straight to Capitol Hill
Advocacy 2019: Stabilizing Insurance Markets, Fighting Firearms Violence and Controlling Drug Costs; ACP Takes Aim at Health IT Problems; ACP Court Filing: Medicaid Work Requirements Could Harm Patients
Medicare Considers Changing Payment Rules for Part B Drugs, Efforts to Prevent Firearms Injuries Garner ACP's Support, ACP Speaks Out Against Proposed Change in Physician Measures
How ACP Advocacy Helped Physicians and Patients in 2018; ACP Steps up Efforts to Prevent Demise of ACA After Texas Judge Rules to Overturn Law; ACP, Surgeon General Work to Curb e-Cigarette Use Among Youths