
September 20, 2019

Advocate Masthead

ACP Regulatory News

ACP Responds to CMS Request for Information on Putting Patients Over Paperwork

Recommendations include ways to reduce burden of prior authorization requests and refining quality measures.

Advocacy in Action

ACP Joins Allied Physician Organizations in Opposition to Immigration-Related Health Policies

The College is speaking out against the public-charge rule and government plans to end protective policy for minors in immigration custody.

ACP: Title X Changes Interfere With Physician-Patient Relationship

The College has signed onto amicus briefs and joined a coalition with other medical organizations opposing the new policy.

Quick Hits

Starting January 1, 2020, individuals must use Medicare Beneficiary Identifiers (MBIs). CMS will reject claims submitted with Health Insurance Claim Numbers (HICNs) with a few . CMS will also reject all eligibility transactions you submit with HICNs. For more information, visit the .

ACP Health Policy Internship Program now accepting applications

The 2020 Health Policy Internship application cycle is now open until October 31, 2019. The internship provides a multifaceted opportunity to learn about the legislative process, health policy, and advocacy in organized medicine. Interns will provide assistance with researching and analyzing current issues in health and medical education policy, assisting with on-going advocacy initiatives, and the development of advocacy materials. Interns will have the opportunity to attend Congressional hearings, coalition meetings, and accompany government affairs staff on lobby visits to members of congress and their staff and to events. More information is available on ACP Online.


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