
Meet the New Governor-elect - Utah

Congratulations to the Utah Chapter Governor-elect (GE), Mary D. Tipton, MD, FACP. Our new GE will complete a year of training as a Governor-elect and then will start their four-year term as Governor in the Spring of 2025. As Governor, Dr. Tipton will serve as the official representative of the College for our Chapter, providing a link between members at the local level and leadership at the national level. In the meantime, Dr. Tipton will be working closely with Dr. Woller (the current governor) and College staff to learn about the College and their duties as Governor. To learn more about the new GE, read their bio below.

Mary D. Tipton, MD, FACP

Medical School Education: University of Utah

Post-Doctoral Training: Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Residency, Wright State University

Board Certifications: American Board of Internal Medicine; American Board of Pediatrics

Present Employment Position: Physician/Owner and Principal Investigator, CopperView Medical Center; Alliance for Multispecialty Research, Utah

ACP Chapter and Leadership Activities: Speaker, Chapter Meeting 2020; ACP Representative, UT Medical Association House of Delegates for several years

ACP National Activities: Fellowship 2020

Other Appointments/Activities: Member, American Medical Association; Active Staff, Pediatric Department, Holy Cross Jordan Valley Hospital; Active Staff, Pediatric Department, Riverton Hospital; Active Staff, Pediatric Department, Lone Peak Hospital; Practicing Physicians of America; Physicians Against Drug Shortages; Board Member, Physicians for Patient Protection; Reference Committee, House of Delegates, UT Medical Association 2022; FAAP

Areas of Professional Interest and Expertise: High costs and waste in our current healthcare system, especially in the area of drug pricing; Physician workforce shortages, especially in primary care, and the need to train and retain more physicians; Champion of physician-led healthcare teams, and the need to protect the scope of practice