
Chapter Governor, Moises Auron, MD, FAAP, FACP, SFHM

As Governor, Dr. Auron serves as the official representative of the College for the Ohio Chapter, providing a link between members at the local level and leadership at the national level. To learn more about Dr. Auron, read his bio below.

Moises Auron, MD, FAAP, FACP, SFHM

Medical School Education: National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico

Post-Doctoral Training: Case Western Reserve University at MetroHealth Medical Center, Cleveland, OH

Certification: ABIM; ABP (General Pediatrics); ABP (Pediatric Hospital Medicine)

Present Position: Staff Physician, Department of Hospital Medicine, Cleveland Clinic and Department of Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Children's; Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University 

ACP Chapter and Leadership Activities: Member, Annual Meeting Scientific Committee 2011-2021; Member, Governor's Advisory Council 2009-2021; Member, Healthcare and Public Policy Committee 2010-2017; Member, Communication and Social Media Committee 2019-2021; Abstract Reviewer, Associate Abstract Competition 2010-2021; Judge, Associate Poster Competition 2009-2018; Judge, Medical Students Poster Competition 2016-2018; ACP International Ambassador

ACP National Activities: Fellowship 2009; Medical Practice and Quality Committee; Coding and Payment Subcommittee, Medical Practice and Quality Committee; Scientific Committee, Internal Medicine Meeting; Chair-elect, Council of Early Career Physicians, Board of Governors 2015-2016; Chair, Council of Early Career Physicians, Board of Regents 2016-2017; SHM Policy Reviewer, Safe Opioid Prescribing in Hospitalized Patients, Policy Committee; Group Discussion Leader, Physician in Management, Certificate in Physician Leadership for Hospital Medicine; Peer Reviewer, Annals of Internal Medicine; Editorial Board, ACP Hospitalist; Submissions Reviewer, Dragon’s Lair; Abstract Reviewer, Associate Abstract Competition; Abstract Reviewer, Early Career Physicians E-Poster Competition; Judge, Doctor’s Dilemma; Judge, Associate Poster Competition; Judge, Medical Student Poster Competition; Mentor, Early Career Physicians Breakfast/Lunch; Mentor, Medical Students Breakfast

Other Appointments/Activities: Quality Improvement Officer, Department of Hospital Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Main; Activity Director, Hospital Medicine Grand Rounds, Cleveland Clinic; Medical Director, Blood Management, Cleveland Clinic; Core Faculty, Internal Medicine Residency and Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship; Annual Conference Committee, Society of Hospital Medicine; Scientific Committee, World Congress of Internal Medicine 2020; Member, High Value Practice Academic Alliance; Patient Blood Management Standards Committee, AABB; Urologic Malignancy Imaging Appropriateness Criteria Committee, ACR; Board Member, Anti-Defamation League, Cleveland Chapter

Areas of Professional Interest and Expertise: Blood Management; Transitions of Care of medically complex children and adolescents; Hospital and Perioperative Medicine