
Outstanding Volunteer Clinical Teacher Award of the »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp

The award is bestowed upon a Member, FACP, or MACP who has consistently volunteered their services to teach medical students, residents, or other trainees outside of their usual responsibilities. This individual should have demonstrated outstanding teaching prowess, displayed exemplary characteristics of care and concern for individual patients at the bedside, and served as a role model and mentor.

The recipient of this award shall be a volunteer teacher. The recipient may be a general internist or in a subspecialty of internal medicine.

The Awards Committee encourages supporting letters from former students and residents and should identify the nature of the student-teacher relationship between the supporter and nominee.

Nominating and supporting letters should address:

  • The separation of their volunteer activities from their full-time and part-time employment commitments.
  • What made the nominee's volunteer teaching memorable/outstanding and more effective than that of other teachers.
  • How the characteristics that made the nominee a role model influenced the nominator's clinical practice and teaching.
  • Based on observations of the nominee’s interactions with patients, what the nominee's approach to (or philosophy) of patient care is.
  • How much time the nominee devotes to volunteer teaching of trainees.

Established: 1997

Full Lists of Recipients