
Awards & Masterships FAQs


1. How do I nominate someone for MACP or an award?
It is the Nominator's responsibility to draft a letter of nomination and enlist two to three other people to write letters in support of a nominee. All letters should be unique to the writer. The Nominator should collect these letters and also obtain the nominee’s curriculum vitae with full bibliography. Once all materials have been collected, the Nominator should complete the .

2. Can chapter awardees be nominated for national awards?
Yes. Chapter awardees usually make good nominees for national awards.

3. Who is eligible to be nominated?
Please see the Awards and MACPs Requirements Table for eligibility relating to specific awards. In general:

  • All nominees must be living at the time of consideration.
  • The following are not eligible for awards or Masterships*:
    • ACP Officers*
    • ACP Regents
    • ACP Governors
    • ACP Awards Committee (for awards)
    • ACP MACP Committee (for MACP)
    • Current ACP Staff

*Exception: MACPs are awarded at the beginning of their governance year to the ACP President, Chair of the Board of Regents, and Treasurer by nature of their office.

4. Can someone apply directly for MACP or an award?
No, candidates may not self-nominate. Self-solicitation/self-promotion/self-nomination could result in disqualification.

5. Who can write a supporting letter?
Anyone who knows the nominee may write a supporting letter*. Letters are often submitted by:

  • Members of the Chapter Awards Committee
  • Chapter Governor
  • Colleagues
  • Patients
  • Former or current trainees (some awards require letters from this group)

*ACP staff may not nominate nor write supporting letters.

Sitting members of the Awards Committee and Mastership Committee are highly discouraged from writing letters for nominations that will be considered by their committee.

Chapter Governors are offered the opportunity to comment on nominees from their Chapter. These comments are reviewed by the Awards and Mastership Committees.

A model letter can be viewed here.

6. What happens if a person is not selected?
The Nominator will receive feedback on their nomination and instructions for re-submitting the nomination the following year should they so choose.

7. Who is responsible for the awards and Mastership process?
The awards and Mastership process is under the jurisdiction of the ACP Awards Committee and the ACP Mastership Committee, which report directly to the Board of Regents. Implementation is handled by staff in the Executive Office at ACP Headquarters.

8. Who are the recipients of awards and MACPs over the course of ACP's history?
The complete lists of all MACPs and awardees may be viewed on ACP Online, at www.acponline.org/awardslist/.

9. Who do I contact for questions and concerns?
Awards and Mastership Committees Staff Liaison

Please do not contact the Awards Committee Chair nor the MACP Committee Chair directly, either with materials or with inquiries.


1. Can I apply for Mastership?
Mastership is an award, not a progression. Because of the significance of this recognition, candidates may not self-nominate.

2. What are the qualifications for MACP?

  • Are current FACPs
  • Are highly accomplished, distinguished by their integrity and the significance of their contributions to medicine and advancing patient care
  • Are presently or have previously been active in ACP at the chapter, national, or international level over a sustained period of time

3. What does receiving MACP entail?

  • New MACPs are inducted at the Convocation ceremony following their selection
  • New MACPs may use the initials MACP after their name in connection with their professional activities for as long as their membership remains current
  • New MACPs are considered role models and are encouraged to continue active involvement in the College, particularly in their chapter


1. What are the qualifications for awards?
Please see the Awards and MACPs Requirements Table for eligibility relating to specific awards.

2. What does receiving an award entail?

  • Most* new awardees participate in the Convocation ceremony at the Annual Meeting following their selection
    • The Davies Award brings with it the opportunity to deliver a lecture at the annual Internal Medicine Meeting.
    • *The Boyle Award and the Neubauer Advocate Award will be announced during the Convocation ceremony but will be presented at Leadership Day.
  • They receive an engraved plaque or a similar item during the ceremony
  • Unless otherwise noted, there may only be one recipient per award.

Contact the Awards and Mastership Committees Staff Liaison at awards@acponline.org for more details about specific awards.