Internal Medicine Meeting 2022: Mastering Medicine Together, was held in Chicago, Illinois April 28-30, 2022 and had an attendance of over 7,400 physicians. The event featured more than 200 sessions covering a wide variety of clinical and practice management topics for doctors of internal medicine and its subspecialties. 761 attendees from outside the United States came to the meeting. The top three countries outside the United States with the highest number of attendees registered were Canada, Mexico, and Switzerland.
ACP once again this year offered discounted individual registration rates, as well as specially priced delegation rates, for attendees from around the world. A total of seven delegations (10 or more physicians registered as a group) came from Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Panama, and Switzerland.
At the Convocation Ceremony on April 28, approximately 330 physicians were celebrated as new recipients of Fellowship and 37 were from 15 countries outside the United States. Approximately 125 members were recognized as recipients of Mastership or ACP named awards. The College bestowed Honorary Fellowships to 5 presidents of global internal medicine societies.
Following the ceremony, members, friends, and families gathered at the ACP Global Reception that included over 300 international internal medicine leaders and attendees along with ACP leaders. During the reception, George M. Abraham, MD, MPH, MACP, FIDSA, ACP President, welcomed attendees.
ACP was honored to host presidents and representatives of internal medicine societies from around the world. The international delegates were part of the stage party in the Convocation ceremony. They also participated in ACP's 15th Annual Global Forum, titled “COVID 19: Lessons Learned from the Global Internal Medicine Community.” The Forum provided an opportunity for ACP leaders and the presidents and special representatives from international internal medicine societies to share their experiences over the past two years and discuss strategies for moving forward as a global community.
On Friday afternoon, Dror Dicker, MD, FACP (Hon), President of the European Federation of Internal Medicine (EFIM), and George Abraham, MD, MPH, MACP, FIDSA co-moderated “The Evolution and Application of Digital Health: A Joint session of ACP and the European Federation of Internal Medicine.” This session will also be presented by the same faculty at the European Congress of Internal Medicine in June.
Saturday, April 30, featured two scientific sessions sponsored by the ACP Global Engagement Committee:
- Food as a Medical Intervention: The Impact of Eating Habits on Our Global Health
- William Duffy, MD, moderator
- Marijane Hynes, MD, panelist
- Fatima Stanford, MD, MPH, MPA, FACP, panelist
- Global Physician Engagement in Workplace Equity and Inclusion
- Dawn DeWitt, MD, MSc, MACP, moderator
- Mukta Panda, MD, MACP, panelist
- Jabraan Pasha, MD, FACP, panelist
Also taking place on Saturday, new ACP officers started their terms. Ryan D. Mire, MD, FACP of Nashville, Tennessee, became the 2022-23 ACP President; and Sue S. Bornstein, MD, FACP, of Dallas, Texas became the 2022-23 Chair of the Board of Regents; Omar T. Atiq, MD, FACP, of Little Rock, Arkansas became the ACP President-elect; and Eileen Barrett, MD, MPH, MACP, SFHM, FAMWA, of Albuquerque, New Mexico became the Chair-elect of the Board of Regents.
ACP provides attendance certificates to people who reside outside of the United States or are members of international ACP Chapters who attended the 2022 Internal Medicine Meeting (in person or virtually). If you meet these requirements, you can access your certificate . Please note you must be logged into your ACP account to access your attendance certificate.
Internal Medicine Meeting 2023 will be held April 27-29 in San Diego, California. For more information, please visit: .