ACP Hospitalist June 2018:
Lecturing physicians about not burning out is a delicate task, Jennifer Ramsey, MD, noted at the start of a Hospital Medicine 2018 talk on preventing, recognizing, and recovering from burnout.
Managing acute pain in the hospital is often tricky business, but some patients' pain can be more difficult to treat than others.
A wound care expert reviewed the stages of pressure ulcers (or injuries).
ACP Internist June 2018:
With the proliferation of the number and scope of direct-to-consumer tests, ACP is concerned about the unnecessary costs and undue anxiety for patients when results lead to follow-up testing to rule out a medical concern.
An ACP Fellow is headed to outer space to spend six months aboard the International Space Station.
Culinary medicine is a growing, evidence-based movement that brings the “food is medicine” philosophy to medical education and beyond.