
May 20, 2022

IM Thriving Masthead

Promoting Mental Health Awareness and Well-being Strategies That Support Whole-System Thriving

If you or someone you know is in crisis, help is available 24/7. Text 741741 or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (988 or 1-800-273-8255) or Disaster Distress Hotline (800-985-5990).

May is mental health awareness month and—as our featured advocacy article highlights—at ACP, every day is mental health awareness day. In this issue of I.M. Thriving, we bring you curated well-being strategies and resources that support whole-system well-being to meet interdependent and evolving needs.

We hope that the tools will help with making micro and macro changes and sustaining efforts by starting where we are in the system. Let's do what we can with what we have to transform our communities, shift them toward thriving, and keep them doing so, one small action at a time.

Check out the links below for tools and resources that you can use for yourself and your organization and to teach others:

  • Check out and share new, mobile-friendly, actionable microlearnings (less than 2 minutes) designed for physicians-in-training on , , and .
  • for confidential peer support and with a peer or create a peer-support program using the free buddy-check reminder .
  • Watch a microsession on How to Apply Compassion with complement social connection Printable Compassion Cards for yourself and your team and explore other Mini but Mighty Skills for Well-being.
  • Discover Tools and Templates for Revising License and Credentialing Applications to Not Ask About Mental Health and check out new Self-Advocacy Resources for Residents and Fellows.
  • Visit the I.M. Emotional Support Hub and Video Series to learn more about individual and organizational strategies and resources to protect clinicians' emotional health.
  • Read how our ACP Advocacy Team supports our physician community in this special feature, “Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Every Day.†Plus, Patients Before Paperwork initiative updates.
  • Sign up to connect through clinician well-being events developed by your fellow Champions.
  • Call to Action: Align inclusive well-being and antiracism strategies and learn how clinician well-being is integral to a system's total health and vitality (financial, intellectual, and human assets).
  • Apply noteworthy resources and tools for creating and sustaining change efforts.
  • Register for a webinar with Dr. Mitchell D. Feldman on the importance of mentoring: Mentoring Matters: The Art and Science of Mentoring (May 25, 2022, 3 p.m. ET).
  • AMA's Behavioral Health Integration Compendium, tools, and resources to integrate behavioral and mental health care in physician practices.
  • Pin the Well-being and Professional Fulfillment webpage to your MyACP today (top right of the page).

Please join us on Twitter at , post in your ACP Champion forum, and reach out to us any time at acpwellbeing@acponline.org.


Your ACP Well-being Team

Please log your Well-being Champion activities in your new and improved Well-being Champion Activities Tracker!

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