Spinal Manipulation Can Alleviate Back Pain, Study Concludes
Wrist-worn activity trackers offer inconsistent heart rate data
ACA update; ACP papers: substance abuse and patients before paperwork
ACP: What to Do About the High Price of Drugs?
Trump creates commission to combat U.S. opioid epidemic
Internists Underscore: It’s time for Congress to craft real solutions for U.S. health-care system
ACP says bill would have ‘done great harm to health of millions of Americans’
San Diego, March 31, 2017 -- The president of the »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp (ACP) today underscored ACP’s belief that the decision to pull the American Health Care Act (AHCA) bill from Congressional consideration a week ago reflects the reality that the flawed legislation did not have the support of the American people, or even a majority of the House of Representatives.
Internists discuss the Quality Payment Program; share implementation experiences
San Diego, March 31, 2017 -- The »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp (ACP) convened a panel today to discuss the implementation of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) and the Quality Payment Program (QPP). The panel took place during a press briefing at ACP’s Internal Medicine Meeting 2017.
Internists recommend how to prevent and treat substance use disorders
Drug overdose deaths, particularly from opioids such as prescription pain relievers and heroin, is a rising epidemic
San Diego, March 30, 2017 -- Internists from the »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp (ACP) offered recommendations to prevent and treat substance use disorders today at Internal Medicine Meeting 2017, ACP’s annual scientific meeting.
Internists say President’s Opioid Abuse Commission is a Step Toward Effective Treatment
March 30, 2017
Attributable to:
Nitin S. Damle, MD, MS, MACP
President, »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp