
ACP Medical Student Member Winning Presentations for the 2021 National Abstracts Competition

ACP highlights 2021 virtual presentations for winning abstracts.

Clinical Vignette View videos

  • Statin-induced immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy; a multidisciplinary approach to an uncommon presentation in a positive HMG-CR antibody patient
    Nobel Nguyen
    ACP Washington Chapter

  • A functional, subcarinal paraganglioma adherent to the left atrial wall and supplied by large branches of coronary and bronchial arteries
    Gopika Senthilkumar
    ACP Wisconsin Chapter

  • Prolonged Muscle Paralysis associated Acetylcholinesterase Deficiency
    Nadine Elhage
    ACP Michigan Chapter

  • Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) induced Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) and Recovery via Standard Treatment
    Nihaal Reddy
    ACP Ohio Chapter

  • Atypical Presentation of Functional Vitamin B12 Deficiency from Whippet Abuse
    Evan Brickner
    ACP Michigan Chapter

Basic Research View video

  • Secondary fusions as a mechanism of BCR-ABL1 kinase-independent resistance in chronic myeloid leukemia
    Evan J Barnes
    ACP Oregon Chapter

Clinical Research View videos

  • Validation of F3ALLS Assessment in Older Adults
    Pranav Yayavaram Somasekhar
    ACP Missouri Chapter

  • N95 Respirator and Surgical Mask Efficacy Against Respiratory Viral Illnesses in the Healthcare Setting: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Andrew Collins
    ACP Florida Chapter

Quality Improvement-Patient Safety View video

  • Helping High-Risk Patients Stay Healthy at Home During COVID-19: A Comprehensive Student-Led Clinical and Social Outreach
    Rebecca Goldstein
    ACP Georgia Chapter

High Value Care View video

  • Initial Development and Evaluation of an Algorithm for Identifying Inappropriate Lab Orders
    Justin S Bauzon
    ACP Nevada Chapter