
Commentary Corner: A Welcome Message from the CSM

Commentary Corner: A Welcome Message from the CSM

Pleasant greetings to you! On behalf of the Council of Student Members (CSM), I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you to what promises to be another fantastic year in the field of internal medicine for patients, students, and practicing physicians.

Established in July of 1998, the CSM is the thirteen-member national committee of medical students that seeks to address the needs of medical students and represent the interests of all ACP Medical Student Members. We place a great deal of attention on promoting the benefits of ACP Medical Student »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp and increasing medical student awareness about the importance of pursuing internal medicine as a career choice and as an eventual career goal.

This year holds so many exciting developments for our specialty as the nation implements the provisions of health care reform, considers new ways to increase our primary care physician workforce, and strives to tackle issues in graduate medical education funding. In addition ACP is seeking a permanent fix to physician reimbursements cuts through Medicare. ACP and its Medical Student Members play an important part in these health policy issues. More specific to medical students, the CSM is working hard daily to ensure that you are made aware of all available resources. These range from securing funding for your Internal Medicine Interest Group through our IMIG Sponsorship Program, to involving yourself in your local state chapters to connecting with a physician mentor at your medical school or within your local community.

We encourage you to get more involved with ACP! Connect with us on Facebook and learn more about what our organization offers all 25,000 of its Medical Student Members. This includes resources for succeeding in your internal medicine junior clerkship and even finding information on all internal medicine residency programs throughout the country. We warmly welcome any ideas that you may have regarding how we can better improve the offered resources to make them of more valuable use to you.

Council of Student Members
Benefits for Medical Student Members

Earl Stewart Jr., MS-IV
Southern Region Representative
ACP Council of Student Members

Back to November 2012 Issue of IMpact

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