Being a medical student is a unique experience, unlike any other. Join ACP at the in Chicago to tell your story at the Medical Student Story Slam. This years theme is Lost and Found. If selected, youll present an inspirational 5-mintue narrative with seven other students at the Story Slam event on Friday, April 29. .
The is part of a special Medical Student track within the meeting, providing valuable educational programming designed to help you prepare personally and professionally for your career in medicine. Other sessions include a Mentoring Breakfast, Mastering the Match, and more. .
Inclusivity That Is Accepting: Embracing Different Sexualities
(from the February 2022 ACP Internist)
As a gay man in the 1980s, the AIDS pandemic dominated not only my life as a medical student but also my personal life.
I.M. Internal Medicine
Spotlight: Nana Yaa A. Koram, MBChB, MPH
Read about Dr. Koram's career as an internal medicine hospitalist and what profession she always thought she would pursue. It wasn't a physician.
Council of Student Members (CSM) Spotlight
Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy as Medical Students
It has been fascinating to observe the interplay between science and society as COVID-19 vaccines were developed and distributed yet hesitancy among individuals to roll up their sleeves to get the shots has led to an extension of the pandemic. With vaccination efforts being such a strong approach to ending the pandemic and returning to some level of normalcy, I've found myself asking what medical students can do to help address vaccine hesitancy.
ACP members can help combat misinformation about COVID-19 and other vaccines by sharing ACP's new video series created in partnership with YouTube: .
Medical Student Perspective
The Steel Table
A cold, steel table. Your body lying on it. Cold but also with color. Not blue like I expected from television. Young, like I am. This made it even harder. A life cut short. How? I really didn't want to know. But this is what I was here to find out.
Advocacy Update
ACP, Others Join Forces to Help Internists Offer Behavioral Health Services
(from the Feb. 4, 2022 ACP Advocate)
For physicians considering adding mental health care and substance use disorder treatment to their practice, the 酴圖舒舒app and the leading primary care and psychiatric physician groups are partnering to help practices better integrate behavioral health into the primary care setting.
Read the full article in ACP Advocate.
The ACP Advocate is a bi-weekly e-newsletter that provides ACP members with news about public policy issues affecting internal medicine and patient care.
Analyzing Annals
When and How Would You Screen This Patient for Cervical Cancer? Grand Rounds Discussion From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
The American Cancer Society and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force have issued guidelines for cervical cancer screening that differ in their recommendations on the age at which to begin screening and which test to use. Two experts debate how these guidelines might be used in counseling a specific patient.
Annals of Internal Medicine is the premier internal medicine academic journal published by the 酴圖舒舒app (ACP). It is one of the most widely cited and influential specialty medical journals in the world.
Winning Abstracts
Statin-Induced Immune-Mediated Necrotizing Myopathy; a Multidisciplinary Approach to an Uncommon Presentation in a Positive HMG-CR Antibody Patient
Statins are the primary class of medication used to lower cholesterol for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. The most commonly reported side effect is muscle toxicity with severe myonecrosis, which can lead to clinical rhabdomyolysis. A rarer and more malignant adverse effect than rhabdomyolysis is statin-induced immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy (IMNM), which is a genetic autoimmune condition believed to trigger myogenic symptoms.
Want to have your abstract featured here? ACP holds a National Abstracts Competition as part of the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting every year. Find out more at ACP Online.
Subspecialty and Combined Training Careers
Sports Medicine
Sports medicine focuses on physical fitness and the treatment and prevention of injuries related to sports and exercise. This frequently includes advising patients on exercise and training, injury prevention, assessment and management of acute athletic injuries, rehabilitation, and care of medical problems of the athlete.
See all the career pathways open to internal medicine doctors and explore a day-in-the-life of an IM specialist/subspecialist at the bottom of our Medical Student Career Path page.
Opioid use disorder (OUD) is a treatable chronic disorder with episodes of remission and recurrence characterized by loss of control of opioid use, compulsive use, and continued use despite harms. If untreated, OUD is associated with significant morbidity and mortality.
Get Involved
Upcoming ACP Chapter Meetings
Many local chapter meetings were announced in February. Check out when your local chapter meeting is scheduled to submit an abstract, network with physicians in your area, or learn more about leadership opportunities in your chapter.
The annual, hosted by the Careers in Medicine簧 program, is a free event that provides medical students the exciting opportunity to explore 15 specialties, with direct access to specialty representatives in a convenient virtual format. This event is designed especially for first- and second-year students, as they begin their medical school career and specialty exploration. Please direct any questions to Mary Halicki ( at the AAMC. .
IMIG Event Inspiration
Hearing Real Heart Murmurs at a Heart Auscultation Workshop
The IMIG faculty advisor at University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati obtained permission from 5 patients who had heart murmurs to participate in a heart auscultation workshop. The M2 class was able to listen to actual patients rather than listen to recordings of the whooshing sounds. See more IMIG event ideas.
Chapter Chatter
During the month of February, ACP, the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM), and AMBOSS teamed up to cultivate a culture of wellness for medical students. The program offers video interviews from leaders at ACP and medical education programs, general internal medicine physicians and subspecialists, hospitalists, and psychiatry physicians. .
Quiz Me! Question
Test your medical knowledge each month with questions from The Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program簧 (MKSAP)
A 26-year-old woman undergoes consultation to update her vaccinations. She is an elementary school teacher. Medical history is significant for well-controlled HIV diagnosed 6 years ago. Medications are tenofovir alafenamide, emtricitabine, and dolutegravir.
The Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program簧 (MKSAP) has been the go-to resource for board prep and lifelong learning since 1967. Learn more.
ACP IMpact is copyrighted 穢2022 by the 酴圖舒舒app.