
Advocacy Update: Leadership Day on Capitol Hill

Advocacy Update: Leadership Day on Capitol Hill

The 21st annual Leadership Day on Capitol Hill will be held on May 21-22, 2013 at the Liaison Hotel in Washington, D.C.

Leadership Day enables the College to increase its presence on Capitol Hill and bring our issues of concern to U.S. lawmakers.

ACP Medical Student Members are encouraged to participate in this two day event where they will receive advocacy training, an update on the College's priority legislative issues; briefings from Members of Congress, Administration officials and key Capitol Hill staffers, and an opportunity to meet with their state's elected officials.

A special briefing for residents and medical students is provided as well as a student and resident reception.

Medical student member participation is a significant part of ACP's Leadership Day and our overall advocacy program. Last year, approximately 60 medical student members from 26 states participated in Leadership Day.

ACP medical student members bring an important perspective to the issues facing internal medicine physicians and their patients especially on issues such as workforce and access to care.

Medical student members interested in participating in Leadership Day 2013 should contact their chapter Governor to let him/her know of your interest and to be included in the chapter delegation congressional meetings.

The Leadership Day online registration form and link to the Liaison hotel reservation site are available on the

For more information, please contact Shuan Tomlinson at stomlinson@acponline.org or 800-338-2746 ext. 4547.

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