
IMIG Update: Submit Your Club as the Internal Medicine Interest Group of the Month

IMIG Update: Submit Your Club as the Internal Medicine Interest Group of the Month

Does your club host unique and interesting events about internal medicine? Does your IMIG have a strong presence on your campus? ACP wants to know more about the activities being planned for IMIG clubs for 2013-2014!

If you think your club has some great ideas to promote internal medicine; we want to know. Student leaders may submit an article telling us about your IMIG. Here are the guidelines for submission:

  • Articles should be written by the student leader(s)
  • Articles should be approximately 500-600 words
  • Articles should provide full author information at the end of the article, including the authors' names, year of graduation, title within the IMIG, and e-mail address if you would like to receive correspondence from IMpact readers.
  • Articles may include photos (JPEG, attached to the e-mail)
  • Articles should be submitted as a Word document attachment with the subject line IMIG of the Month Submission to impact@acponline.org

Visit the Internal Medicine Interest Group of the Month Archive to read some examples.

IMpact staff reserves the right to edit your article if necessary. Submission does not guarantee your IMIG will be featured.

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