
August 2020


Helping Shield Clinicians and the Community from Contagion

(from the July/August 2020 ACP Internist)

Face shields on top of masks may be another avenue in fighting the global COVID-19 pandemic.

I.M. Internal Medicine – Council of Student Members (CSM) Spotlight

Resilience and the Medical Student Experience

The past few months have seemingly been put on hold for thousands of medical students as the COVID-19 pandemic consumes America's psyche. In-person instruction transitioned to Zoom University. Anxiety-inducing Board exams were delayed or suspended. Clinical clerkships were postponed to conserve limited PPE supplies and protect students. As much of the nation's attention focused on the heroic health care response to the crisis, medical students have been silently adjusting to the new normal of a world scarred by death and disease. Yet, we students are a resilient and creative bunch. We overcome our status as trainees and contribute to our communities in countless, selfless ways.

Medical Student Perspectives

In Search of a Hobby

“Kevin, what else do you do with your time?”

Advocacy Update

ACP Releases New Policy Statement Addressing Racism, Discrimination and Police Violence

(from the June 22, 2020 ACP Advocate)

Amid protests and calls for justice after the death of George Floyd, the ƹϵεapp has released a new policy statement that addresses racism, discrimination and police violence.

The ACP Advocate is a bi-weekly e-newsletter that provides ACP members with news about public policy issues affecting internal medicine and patient care.

Analyzing Annals

On Being a Patient: Sounds for a Waking Coma Patient

Ms. Green shares that, “The most important sound in the world, to my mind, is the rhythmic huffing of a ventilator in an intensive care unit.”

Annals of Internal Medicine is the premier internal medicine academic journal published by the ƹϵεapp (ACP). It is one of the most widely cited and influential specialty medical journals in the world.

Winning Abstracts

Imposter Syndrome Among Minority Medical Students

Imposter Syndrome (IS) is defined as feelings of self-doubt and fear being discovered as an intellectual fraud despite obvious achievements and qualifications. IS has been identified among high achieving individuals in fields such as medicine, with a number of potential implications including anxiety, depression, physician burnout, and other psychological stressors among professionals in healthcare. This study examines the prevalence of IS among medical students attending a United States medical school and recognizes demographic differences in those experiencing imposter syndrome.

Want to have your abstract featured here? ACP holds a National Abstracts Competition as part of the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting every year. Find out more at ACP Online.

Subspecialty Careers

Geriatric Medicine

Geriatric medicine is a type of practice within internal medicine that focuses on the care of older patients. Those who practice geriatric medicine (“geriatricians”) are specifically trained in the normal and abnormal physiologic and psychosocial changes associated with aging, and to recognize the differences in presentation of disease relative to normal aging. Geriatricians also recognize the importance of maintaining functional independence in older patients and focus on providing preventive interventions.

In the Clinic

Falls are common among older adults. One in 3 adults aged 65 years or older and 1 in 2 adults aged 80 years or older fall each year. Interventions for prevention have been identified; however, they are often not addressed in primary care practice. Screening all older adults annually for falls can identify who will benefit from further clinical evaluation and management. Falls and the need for care from subsequent injury increase with age. They adversely affect quality of life and are a financial burden on the health care industry. As a result, risk reduction is a key focus of prevention efforts, even among very elderly persons.

Medical School During COVID-19

Navigating the 2021 Internal Medicine Match During the Time of COVID-19

Date/Time: Wednesday, August 12, 2020, at 7:00 p.m.

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically disrupted the normal residency application and Match process, leaving students applying in the 2021 cycle with many questions about how to optimally navigate this already anxiety-provoking critical step in their medical career.

Sponsored by the ACP Council of Student Members and presented in conjunction with Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine (CDIM) and the Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine (APDIM), this webinar will feature experienced medical student educators and advisors along with residency program directors from a variety of different types of training programs. Panelists will address the likely impact of pandemic-related changes on the residency application and Match process and provide the best available advice for those applying in internal medicine. .

Get Involved

ACP Leadership Day Goes Virtual: Here's What to Know

In the past, ACP members from across the country convened in Washington, D.C., for a two-day conference where they would lobby legislators and staff on key advocacy issues affecting the practice of internal medicine. While large group meetings are not currently considered safe or responsible, advocacy is more important than ever, which is why ACP is launching a newly created Virtual Advocacy Toolkit for members along with step-by-step guidance for how to best utilize the tools, said Jonni McCrann, ACP senior manager of legislative affairs.

Did You Know ACP Has an Online Forum for Medical Students?

The ACP Member Forums provide members with an online community to interact with colleagues who have similar interests and career goals. Be sure to subscribe to alerts to receive daily email digests showing new posts and that link you directly back into the discussions. Subscribe based on where you are in your career, geographic location, and more.

See the full terms and conditions.


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