
April 2014

Medical Student Perspectives: Tips for Saving Money During Medical School

After starting medical school, I had to make many changes in my study habits, lifestyle, and personality. One of the biggest lifestyle changes I had to make was regarding my finances.



My Kind of Medicine: Real Lives of Practicing Internists: Erik A. Wallace, MD, FACP

When medical students fall in love, compromise becomes part of the equation, as decisions about where to do medical residencies and where to begin careers are delicately discussed and carefully negotiated. For ACP Fellow Dr. Erik Wallace and future wife, Dr. Nichole Wallace, the first hurdle they faced was managing a long-distance relationship for 3 years.



Feature: Medical Students Needed to Work at Internal Medicine 2014

The »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp is looking for one or two medical students to act as standardized patients in the Ultrasound-Guided Central Venous Line Placement workshop on Friday, April 11, to be held at Internal Medicine 2014 in Orlando, FL. Students will be paid a small honorarium ($100 for a half-day, $200 for a full day) for their time.



IMIG Update: Apply for funding for 2014-2015

The ACP IMIG Sponsorship Program provides funding and resources to internal medicine interest groups in U.S. medical schools. The application for 2014-2015 is now available! The deadline to apply is June 1, 2014.



Analyzing Annals: Health Policy Basics: Medicaid Expansion

This article reviews the expansion of Medicaid under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act after the Supreme Court ruling that state expansion would be optional.



Advocacy Update: The ACP Advocate Blog: What Can We Do about a Non-compliant Congress?

ACP Advocate Blog author and ACP Senior Vice President of Government Affairs and Public Policy, Bob Doherty, discusses the current situation with legislation to repeal the Medicare SGR formula.



Winning Abstracts from the 2014 Medical Student Abstract Competition: ACP Celebrates Young Achievers

The »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp is honored that many of our Medical Student and Resident/Fellow Members demonstrate academic excellence and leadership so early in their medical education and training.



Subspecialty Careers: Adolescent Medicine

Adolescent medicine focuses on the physical, psychological, social, and sexual development of adolescents and young adults. Multidisciplinary and comprehensive in approach, this specialty encompasses the full spectrum of acute, chronic, and preventive health care. Adolescent medicine evaluates medical and behavioral problems within the context of puberty and tailors management to the individual's developmental needs.



In the Clinic: Concussion

In the Clinic

Reports indicate that youths aged 10-19 years are at the highest risk among the general population (3). In addition to sports, concussions commonly occur with such events as falls and motor vehicle accidents (1). In general, males have a higher rate of concussions than females, but there is evidence that females may have a higher risk for concussion in sports with similar rules (for example, soccer or basketball) (4).

In the Clinic is a monthly feature in Annals of Internal Medicine that focuses on practical management of patients with common clinical conditions. It offers evidence-based answers to frequently asked questions about screening, prevention, diagnosis, therapy, and patient education and provides physicians with tools to improve the quality of care. Many internal medicine clerkship directors recommend this series of articles for students on the internal medicine ambulatory rotation.


What's the diagnosis?


Highlights from ACP Internist® & ACP Hospitalist®

E-cigarettes can open doors into the subject of quitting tobacco use. Although the devices lack any hard data to support their use, they can offer doctors a chance to explore with patients other options for smoking cessation.

New screening recommendations for low-dose CT for smokers will prove to be trickier to follow than most preventive care guidelines, experts say. Learn what issues to consider, where to refer patients, and how to deal with the results.

Learn about the advantages and challenges of different types of rounding, how to set them up effectively, and how to ensure they are working well.

Hospitalists can help create a blame-free atmosphere of openness when it comes to discussing errors in patient care.
