
Annals of Internal Medicine Reprint Guidelines

Guidelines For Use

The information below is general guidelines. Please contact the Reprint Department using the contact information below should you have additional questions or wish to order reprints.

Reprints of articles from the Annals of Internal Medicine are available in both paper and electronic formats upon publication. Reprints of articles from the Annals of Internal Medicine are for use only as standalone educational materials. The Annals of Internal Medicine does not permit the reproduction of its name, logo, or text on promotional literature. Reprints of articles from the Annals of Internal Medicine are available in bulk quantities in English and translated versions when supplied directly by the Reprint division of Annals of Internal Medicine or one its associated publishing partners. Reprints may not be further reproduced in any manner without the express permission of the »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp, (ACP).


Editorial content from the Annals of Internal Medicine must be reproduced verbatim, in its entirety, with no modifications. Reprints or e-prints are not available from the Annals of Internal Medicine prior to publication. Articles published online ahead of print may be purchased as e-prints or reprints on the date they are published online, provided they meet all the criteria listed above.

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Policy and Procedures

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Reprints must include a front cover that has the following:

  • Name/logo of journal
  • Title of article, complete list of authors, and issue date
  • The phrase "Reprinted From" or its translation must appear at the top of the cover.

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Aileen McHugh
Senior Associate Publisher
Sales and Circulation Director
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Philadelphia, PA 19106-1572
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