
November 2, 2018

Advocate Masthead

ACP Policy News

ACP Calls for Sweeping Changes to Curb Firearm Violence

In updates to existing policy statement, College advocates for ‘common-sense policies' to prevent injuries and deaths.

ACP Regulatory News

ACP Objects to Proposed Changes to ACO Regulations

Added risk and less shared savings could spur many physicians to drop out, College fears.

Health Policy News

Expanding Medicaid Seems to Benefit More Than Recipients

GAO report finds fewer unmet medical needs overall in states that expanded eligibility.

In Case You Missed It

ACP Supports Bipartisan Opioid Legislation

ACP was encouraged by the bipartisan opioid legislation that was signed by President Trump last week, but recognize that more needs to be done to tackle the opioid crisis, including the approval of funding to implement policies that will help patients who face addiction access appropriate treatment. ACP's Online Learning Center provides easy access to resources on opioid addiction and substance use disorder.

ACP Offers 2019 ACA Open Enrollment Resources

The 2019 ACA open enrollment period began November 1. ACP has updated several resources for physicians interested in helping their patients choose and enroll in coverage plans. Learn more and access the updated resources.

Policy, patients, payments, and paperwork in new Curbsiders episode

Patients before paperwork, administrative burdens, the new CMS payment model proposal, and health insurance were discussed in the newest Curbsiders podcast. After listening to the episode, ACP members can log on to ACP's Online Learning Center to claim CME credit and MOC points.


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