
February 24, 2023

ACP Advocate

Administration news

End of COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Means End to Flexibilities Implemented for Health Care System

The expiration of the PHE on May 11 will impact temporary policies put in place for telehealth, COVID-19 vaccine coverage, and MIPS participation, among others.

ACP Lauds FDA Proposed Changes to Blood Donation Policies for MSM

The updated FDA draft guidance employs an individual risk-based approach to reduce the risk for transfusion-transmitted HIV.

Advocacy Wins

ACP to CMS: Patient COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Inappropriate as a Performance Measure

The National Quality Forum, which makes formal recommendations to CMS on performance measures, recently recommended against implementing the measure.

In Case You Missed It

ACP Social Media Announcements

ACP has renamed its social media “handles” on ACP's Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts from @ACPinternists to @ACPIMPhysicians, as of February 13, 2023. The new name aligns with ACP's efforts to brand the identity of internal medicine physicians.

Additionally, ACP and Annals of Internal Medicine have established new branded presences on , and have begun posting news and information there in an ongoing manner. Follow ACP at and Annals of Internal Medicine at

Quick Hit

ACP Members Be on the Lookout for An Upcoming Survey About Payments

As part of ACP's participation in the AMA's RVS Update Committee (RUC) process, members may soon be randomly selected, and contacted via email to complete a survey that requests your input on the amount of work involved in a physician service. Participation by internal medicine physicians is crucial as this data is used to develop recommendations for consideration by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, ultimately adjusting payment rates and impacting patient access to care.

The RUC is a multispecialty committee charged with providing medicine with a voice in describing the resources required to provide physicians services. For additional information on the RUC process and the College's role, please visit How Codes Are Valued at the RUC | ACP Online.


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