
ACP Honors Outstanding Contributions to Medicine in Annual Convocation Ceremony

The »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp (ACP) will honor outstanding contributions to medicine at its annual convocation ceremony on Thursday, March 30, at the San Diego Convention Center, where ACP is hosting its annual scientific conference, Internal Medicine Meeting 2017.

ACP President Nitin S. Damle, MD, MS, MACP, will preside over the ceremony, during which 22 awardees, 53 new Masters of ACP (MACP), and more than 400 new Fellows of ACP (FACP) will be honored.

ACP annually recognizes varied accomplishments in the world of medicine. The awardees for 2017 are:

John Phillips Memorial Award for Outstanding Work in Clinical Medicine
J. Larry Jameson, MD, MACP; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

James D. Bruce Memorial Award for Distinguished Contributions in Preventive Medicine
Philip Greenland, MD; Chicago, Illinois

Alfred Stengel Memorial Award for Outstanding Service to the »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp
Phyllis A. Guze, MD, MACP; Los Angeles, California

»Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp Award for Outstanding Work in Science as Related to Medicine
John A. Hansen, MD; Seattle, Washington
Daniel J. Rader, MD, FACP; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Edward R. Loveland Memorial Award for a Distinguished Contribution in the Health Field
Beverley H. Johnson; Bethesda, Maryland

Jane F. Desforges Distinguished Teacher Award
John E. Bennett, MD, MACP; Potomac, Maryland
Angeline A. Lazarus, MD, MACP; Rockville, Maryland

Ralph O. Claypoole Sr. Memorial Award for Devotion of a Career in Internal Medicine to the Care of Patients
Charles J. Hatem, MD; Newtonville, Massachusetts

Nicholas E. Davies Memorial Scholar Award for Scholarly Activities in the Humanities and History of Medicine
Jerome E. Groopman, MD, FACP; Boston, Massachusetts

Outstanding Volunteer Clinical Teacher Award
Edward B. Ruby, MD, FACP; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Joseph F. Boyle Award for Distinguished Public Service
Karen B. DeSalvo, MD, MPH, MSc; Washington, District of Columbia

Oscar E. Edwards Memorial Award for Volunteerism and Community Service
Reynold S. Agard, MD, FACP; Newark, Delaware

Alvan R. Feinstein Award for Contribution in the Field of Clinical Epidemiology
Mary-Claire Roghmann, MD, MS; Baltimore, Maryland

Walter J. McDonald Award for Early Career Physicians
Michail S. Lionakis, MD; Washington, District of Columbia

Joseph E. Johnson Leadership Award
Eric Chow, MD; Providence, Rhode Island

Herbert S. Waxman Award for Outstanding Medical Student Educator
Robert L. Trowbridge Jr., MD, FACP; Portland, Maine

W. Lester Henry Award for Diversity and Access to Care
William H. Salazar, MD, FACP; Augusta, Georgia

Samuel Eichold II Memorial Award for Contributions in Diabetes
James R. Sowers, MD, FACP; Columbia, Missouri

ACP Award for for Distinguished Contributions to Behavioral Medicine
Daniel P. Alford, MD, MPH, FACP; Needham, Massachusetts

ACP Award for Outstanding Educator of Residents and Fellows
Paul E. Marik, MBBCh, M. Med., FACP; Norfolk, Virginia

Steven E. Weinberger Award for Physician Executives/Leaders
Jordan J. Cohen, MD, MACP; Palm Beach, Florida

New Masters of the »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp for 2016-17

For a general description of this honor, see background information below. For information on each Master’s achievements, contact Steve Majewski in ACP’s Public Relations Department at smajewski@acponline.org or 215-351-2514.

Jeffrey L. Berenberg, MD, MACP
Kaneohe, Hawaii

Nora Valeria Bergasa, MD, MACP
New York, New York

Ruth E. Berggren, MD, MACP
San Antonio, Texas

Glenn J. Bingle, MD, MACP
Indianapolis, Indiana

Patricia A. Bomba, MD, MACP
Pittsford, New York

George J. Bosl, MD, MACP
Syosset, New York

Major W. Bradshaw, MD, MACP
Houston, Texas

Robert Dreicer, MD, MACP
Cleveland, Ohio

Richard M. Dupee, MD, MACP
Boston, Massachusetts

John R. Ebright, MD, MACP
Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan

Edwin W. Grimsley, MD, MACP
Macon, Georgia

James F. Hanley, MD, MACP
Laguna Vista, Texas

Darrell W. Harrington, MD, MACP
Long Beach, California

Stuart B. Himmelstein, MD, MACP
Lake Worth, Florida

Phillip E. Hoffsten, MD, MACP
Pierre, South Dakota

Robert H. Hopkins Jr., MD, MACP
Little Rock, Arkansas

Hans-Peter Kohler, MD, MACP
Bern, Switzerland

Princy N. Kumar, MD, MACP
Washington, District of Columbia

H. Clifford Lane, MD, MACP
Cabin John, Maryland

Debra K. Litzelman, MD, MACP
Carmel, Indiana

Milton de Arruda Martins, MD, MACP
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Barbara L. McAneny, MD, MACP
Albuquerque, New Mexico

David E. Midthun, MD, MACP
Rochester, Minnesota

Clinton K. Murray, MC USA, MACP
San Antonio, Texas

Heidi D. Nelson, MD, MACP
Portland, Oregon

John E. Nestler, MD, MACP
Richmond, Virginia

James R. O'Dell, MD, MACP
Omaha, Nebraska

John B. Bulger, DO, MACP
Danville, Pennsylvania

John M. Carethers, MD, MACP
Ann Arbor, Michigan

David S. Cooper, MD, MACP
Baltimore, Maryland

William A. Curry, MD, MACP
Birmingham, Alabama

Anne B. Curtis, MD, MACP
Buffalo, New York

Nitin S. Damle, MD, MS, MACP
Wakefield, Rhode Island

Stephen Neil Davis, MD, MACP
Baltimore, Maryland

John H. O'Neill Jr., DO, MACP
Middletown, Delaware

Thomas J. Olsen, MD, MACP
St. Louis, Missouri

Calvin Q. Pan, MD, MACP
Flushing, New York

Mukta Panda, MD, MACP
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Michael W. Peterson, MD, MACP
Fresno, California

Maria E. Pinto, MD, MACP
Santiago, Chile

Mark W. Purtle, MD, MACP
Des Moines, Iowa

Khalid A. Qushmaq, MD, MACP
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Daniel W. Rahn, MD, MACP
Little Rock, Arkansas

Maria A. Rodriguez, MD, MACP
Houston, Texas

Mitchell H. Rosner, MD, MACP
Charlottesville, Virginia

Gerald W. Smetana, MD, MACP
West Roxbury, Massachussets

Bruce C. Smith, MD, MACP
Issaquah, Washington

Paul A. Smith, MD, MACP
Seattle, Washington

Banu E. Symington, MD, MACP
Twin Falls, Idaho

Gary H. Tabas, MD, MACP
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Thomas G. Tape, MD, MACP
Omaha, Nebraska

Peter F. Weller, MD, MACP
Boston, Massachusetts

Mone Zaidi, MD, MACP
New York, New York

About Mastership in the »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp

Levels of membership in ACP are Medical Student Member, Associate, Member, Fellow (FACP), Honorary Fellow, and Master (MACP). FACPs, or Fellows of the »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp, have been recommended by their peers, endorsed by their local ACP chapter Governor, and reviewed by a national credentials subcommittee.

Throughout the year, highly distinguished Fellows are nominated for Mastership by ACP members and others familiar with their backgrounds. Each fall, a select group of these Fellows are chosen from among the nominees for Mastership by the ACP Awards Committee and approved by the ACP Board of Regents. The title of Master of the »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp (MACP) is bestowed upon the recipient.

Masters must be highly accomplished individuals. Evidence of their achievements can come from many types of endeavors and honors, such as research, education, health care initiatives, volunteerism, and administrative positions. The Master must be distinguished by the excellence and significance of his or her contributions to the science and art of medicine.

For Mastership, ACP involvement is expected, with rare exceptions. This may include, for example, service to the College in an official capacity, participation in chapter activities, and involvement in the development of College products and educational programs. Masters are authorized to use the letters MACP in connection with their professional activities.

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About the »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp

The »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp is the largest medical specialty organization in the United States. ACP members include 148,000 internal medicine physicians (internists), related subspecialists, and medical students. Internal medicine physicians are specialists who apply scientific knowledge and clinical expertise to the diagnosis, treatment, and compassionate care of adults across the spectrum from health to complex illness. Follow ACP on and .