
South Carolina Governor's Newsletter June 2023

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»Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp Engagement

First, I would like to congratulate the graduating classes of 2023 which includes first and foremost students, but also residents and fellows. I wish each of you success in the next phase of your careers and ask that you continue to make the »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp your professional home.

I would also take this opportunity to congratulate the 4 members of the SC Chapter who were elected to Fellowship in the »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp (FACP) in the last 6 months. Many of you are eligible for this honor and I along with your council members would be happy to assist you in becoming fellows of the ACP.

This is an opportune time to remind you all, specifically members who are transitioning to another phase of your career, of some ACP products and services that may be beneficial to you and add value to your membership. Some of these resources are:

  • – Enhanced Clinical Decision Support Platform for Point-of-care answers. This is free for members and an App is available for download.
  • – Topics include but not limited to Business Resources, Regulatory resources, and Independent Practice Resources such as payment & coding.
  • Access to recorded webinar: There are additional resources focused on this topic especially at this time of the year so check the for more details.
  • - Beginning on June 27, 2023, the DEA requires that all prescribers will be required to provide a one-time attestation that they have completed 8 hours of training on the management of patients with opioid or other substance us disorders prior to renewing their DEA registration. To help our members complete the required number of hours, ACP has curated that meet this requirement. This resource may also be beneficial at the state level as most of us need 2 hours of CME related to controlled substance prescribing or OUD by 6/30/23 to satisfy SC license requirements.
  • – The MKSAP platform continues to improve and remains one of the best platforms for ongoing medicine education and obtaining CME/MOC. There is improved functionality and user experience. Please explore the latest version on the .

These are a few of the resources available to members on the ACP website. Check it out today at .

Leadership Day


Advocacy is one of the most important activities of the ACP as we work to enhance the practice of medicine and improve the lives of our patients. Leadership Day was May 24, 2023 whereby we go to Capitol Hill in Washington DC to meet with our SC representatives and advocate for physicians and our patients. The ACP has many priorities for 2023.  Our focus during the latest advocacy meeting was encouraging support and passage of legislation that will do the following:

  • Improve step therapy protocols so that patients can safely and efficiently access treatment.                       
  • Deferment of interest on student loans while in medical or dental internship or residency programs
  • Increase the number of Medicare supported GME positions by 2000 per year for seven years.
  • Provide an annual inflation update equal to the Medicare Economic Index (MEI) for Medicare physician payment.
  • Align Medicaid reimbursement rates with Medicare payment for primary care services.

Again, I thank the members who participated in the noted activities, and I look forward to working with many more of you on this worthwhile activity in the coming years.


2023 Annual Scientific Meeting "IM: Update in the Upstate" 

Our chapter annual scientific meeting will be in Greenville, SC on October 27-28, 2023. This is the first time it is being held in the Upstate. Please spread the word and I hope that you all will put this meeting on your calendar as all members are encouraged to attend. Details will be forthcoming.

Finally, I continue to request that you encourage your colleagues to join the ACP and become active on our SC Chapter council. We continue to provide the resources that enhances your medical practice at all stages of your career, trainees to retirement. Our goal is to reduce burnout, improve reimbursement, reduce administrative burdens, and improve our patients access to care. It is only with your membership and engagement that these goals will become a reality.

Thanks for being a member of the »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp and for the opportunity to serve you.

I look forward to answering your questions and discussing ways that you can get involved.


Steve Saunders MBBS, FACP
ACP Governor, SC Chapter