In this Issue:
- ACP Leadership Day – Washington, D.C. May 14-15
- Match Day!
- ACP Internal Medicine 2024 – Boston, Massachusetts, April 18-10
- Show Your Pride! Download Ready-to-Use Resources
- Check Out ACP's Tools and Resources to Help Fight Medical Misinformation and Disinformation
- Download ACP Connect - Exclusively for Members

Heather C. Brislen, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Dear Colleagues and Friends –
The sun is back!! We had a wonderful chapter meeting in Santa Fe in the snow, and now we've nearly made it through another cold and flu season. The birds are singing and Daylight Savings is back. I'm trying not to think about this being an election year, and instead just appreciate the rebirth of nature all around. I'm probably about to spend too much money on my "first round" plants for the yard – the ones that always get killed by the late April freezes.
This is my last newsletter of my governor's term, and as part of the springtime season of new beginnings, I'm so happy and honored to look at the new leadership that is taking over, with Dr. Alisha Parada as governor and a stellar team of councilors, both new and enduring. The last chapter meeting in Santa Fe was chock full of new and old friends, both at the microphone and in the audience. Having been through every possible format of virtual and hybrid over these last several years, this meeting was for me personally the most rewarding and a perfect final project as my term comes to a close.
It has been an absolute privilege to serve as the chapter governor – thank you all so much for your support, and even more, for your dedication to our professional community.
Heather Brislen, MD, FACP
Governor, ACP – New Mexico, 2020-2024
Please join me in congratulating our chapter awardees – all of whom were announced at the annual meeting. These colleagues are exceptional examples of internists in our community. Thank you for your work and service to internal medicine – and congratulations!
Community Service/Volunteerism Award:
Jacqueline O'Neill, MD
Excellence in Teaching Awards
Elyce Sheehan, MD
Helen Craft, MD
Early Career Physician Award
Michael Louie, MD
Advocacy Award
Angelina Villas-Adams, MD Mihaela Bujoi, MD MDB FACC (joint recipients)
ACP New Mexico Chapter Laureate Award
Justin Miller, MD FACP
Outstanding Fellow
Wilfredo Henriquez, DO
Outstanding Residents
Harris Majeed, MD
Anita Shrivastava, DO
Outstanding Students
Anissa Johnson
Jordan West
And - Save the Date for this year!
2024 New Mexico Chapter ACP Internal Medicine Scientific Meeting – will be Friday, November 8, at the El Dorado Hotel, in Santa FE.
ACP Leadership Day – Washington, D.C. May 14-15
Leadership Day is the College's annual two-day advocacy event in Washington, DC that enables our members from across the country to bring our issues of concern to U.S. lawmakers. This is a great opportunity for the College and our members to bring our policy priorities to Congress and try to influence the legislative process on behalf of internal medicine. In addition to having an opportunity to meet with your legislators and staff in Washington, DC, participants are provided with in-depth briefings from White House officials, Capitol Hill staffers, and members of Congress; all of whom are among the top health care decision makers.
Interested in advancing your work in health policy? Register
Also, congratulations to the winners of this year's Health Policy Scholarship competition. 2024 is the second year of a new, joint effort of the chapter's Health Policy and Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committees. Winners are chosen based on essays relating their interest in health policy work, and each winner receives a stipend to support their participation in Leadership Day.
This year's winners are:
Ruth M. Martell MartÃnez, MD
Kristy Riniker, MD, MPH
Match Day!
By the time this letter is published, Match Day 2024 will be upon us! Congratulations to our two wonderful medical schools, Burrell and UNM, and especially to the dozens of graduating 4th-year medical students, soon to be freshly minted physicians on this major milestone! We are so proud of all of you, and ACP wishes you all the best of luck in your programs, wherever they are!
At the same time, our warmest welcome to the new internal medicine interns that will be training at Mountain View Medical Center and at the University of New Mexico. When our community of IM physicians grows, the whole state becomes richer. Though some of you will stay in the same cities where you trained, we know that many will be moving to the Land of Enchantment for the very first time.
(A note: in the Albuquerque area, GAMA (Greater Albuquerque Medical Association) is launching a website to help trainees find rental housing from properties owned/leased by people in the community. The site will be live in just a few weeks – if you are interested in posting a rental property, or if you know someone looking for a rental, the site will be found via )
ACP Internal Medicine 2024 – Boston, Massachusetts, April 18-10
If you are attending the Internal Medicine Meeting, please join us on Friday evening, April 19 at the Westin Boston Seaport Marina Ballroom 1.
And while you are there, don't forget to support the home team! These awesome UNM residents won our state Doctor's Dilemma competition and will represent New Mexico in the national competition in Boston:
- Miles Horton
- Alexandra Millhuff
- Neel Vahil
Winners of the annual poster competition that are invited to display at the National ACP Annual Meeting with financial support from our New Mexico chapter are:
- 1st Place Clinical Vignette - Kenneth Co
- 1st Place Research Poster - Alexandra Millhuff
- 1st Place Medical Student Poster - Yeojin Park
Thank you and congratulations to all of the other resident and student oral vignette and poster competition winners as well:
Ruth M. Martell-MartÃnez, Tori Bundarant, Luis Beverido, Tomas Escobar Gil, Jason Yee, Jorge Licano, Jake Soens
Show Your Pride! Download Ready-to-Use Resources
The Proud to be I.M Physician Resources can help you spread the word about internal medicine and celebrate our profession, including :
- Downloadable posters and email signatures to show your internal medicine pride
- Resources to help explain your unique role and all that you do
- Videos of ACP members expressing their pride of profession
Show your internal medicine pride on social media with these turnkey resources.
Visit acponline.org/imphysician to learn more about our shared professional identity, explore career pathways within internal medicine, and discover real examples of how internal medicine physicians are making an impact on patient care, medical education, and care in many different roles and settings.
Check Out ACP's Tools and Resources to Help Fight Medical Misinformation and Disinformation
Be sure to visit /node/403510 for tools and resources to help fight medical misinformation and disinformation.
Resources address a variety of issues including:
- Communicating accurate health information to your community
- Responding to trending health narratives
- Tackling misinformation
- Identifying credible sources of health information on social media
- Two ACP video series providing vaccine education and strategies to help combat health misinformation
- Articles and content published in Annals of Internal Medicine and I.M. Matters from ACP, and more
Download ACP Connect - Exclusively for Members
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