In this Issue:
- CCCM--Collegiality, Camaraderie, Communication, Mentorship

Gail E. Mizner, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Greetings, my hardworking colleagues! October has been beautiful up here in the high country with golden leaves still clinging to some of the trees, snow on the peaks, and clear blue skies. My personal wellness strategy this month has been to take a walk outside to relieve election jitters and other sources of angst.
The end of October also means it's time for a quick Colorado ACP update. This will follow the same format as my last letter, but it's A LOT shorter—I promise.
We just had a terrific Ortho Day taught by Dr. Ted Parks who will also be doing a workshop on foot and ankle issues at our upcoming Chapter Meeting. Our CME has been approved and the brochure for our annual chapter scientific meeting at the Broadmoor will be out soon. Meanwhile, SAVE THE DATE: February 7-8.
We are joining with the Illinois Chapter on a webinar series they started called IM Speaks. This is a monthly webinar scheduled on a Thursday at 5:30 pm Mountain Time in which a subspecialist gives us clinical pearls and updates in their field of expertise—and it's free! Register for the November session on Common Sports Medicine and Ortho Issues HERE.
The ACP CO Governor's Choice Abstract Competition deadline is Nov 8th. ACP CO invites residents to submit their research, clinical vignette, or quality improvement abstract to the Colorado ACP poster competition. Full information on the Call for Abstracts HERE.
One of the most important forms of advocacy is voting, so please vote and encourage your friends and family to do so as well. You should have received your ballot by now. If not, you can check on the status and register to vote at . At a national level, another voter registration resource advocated by the ACP is Vot-ER and the ACP Toolkit.
Our own Dr. Mark Mathews is running in Colorado House District 64, and I'm sure he would appreciate any words of encouragement or other support you can give him.
We had our Fall Board of Governors' meeting in Boston in September. All of you were sent a list of the resolutions we considered at the meeting. The two resolutions that were extracted (brought up for debate) were <u>Resolution 7-F24</u>. Declaring Access to Equitable, Affordable Healthcare is a Human Right and <u>Resolution 9-F24</u>. Revising ACP's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Policy to Promote an Age-Friendly Professional Home and Create Engagement Opportunities for Senior and Retired Physicians. Here's a link to our policy library. (Log-In Required)
The deadline to submit a resolution for the Spring 2025 BOG has passed but we can work on resolutions for the Fall 2025 BOG. The deadline for submitting a resolution at the chapter level is 3/28/2025. More information here.
ACP 2025 Health Policy Internship Application Cycle Now Open: ACP National is now accepting applications from medical students and residents for the 2025 Health Policy Internship Program, which will take place April 1-April 30, 2025. The ACP Health Policy Internship provides a multifaceted opportunity to learn about the legislative process, health policy, and advocacy in organized medicine. The application closes on November 15, 2024. For more information about the program, please visit the Health Policy Internship Program.
If Federal level advocacy is your thing, join more than 15,000 colleagues in the Advocates for Internal Medicine Network (AIMn) in advocating for the interests of internal medicine in Washington, D.C. The AIMn program is for ACP members interested in participating in federal advocacy. It is designed to help members engage with their federal lawmakers on policy issues important to ACP and internal medicine.
Momentum is gathering for increased state level advocacy which I hope will include a state Leadership Day in which CO ACP members will have the opportunity to meet with our representatives in the state house. Please contact myself or Dave Downs, davedowns1@me.com chair of the HPPC, if you are interested in getting involved.
CCCM--Collegiality, Camaraderie, Communication, Mentorship
The Awards Committee is now accepting nominations for our 6 annual awards including this year's new award for excellence in rural medicine. You should have received an email about this but here's a LINK. Nominating a deserving colleague is easy and rewarding. Nominate by November 6th!
Chat with the Gov is still available. I've had a couple of great conversations with ACP colleagues and would love to have more. If you'd like to have a phone or zoom call with me, just email me at gailmiz@msn.com and we'll get it arranged.
We have until November 20th to nominate members to be Well-Being Champions. Please see the job description HERE and let me or our Executive Director, Colleen Keeku, or our Wellness Committee Chair, Julie Cohen, know if you are interested by Nov. 20th!
I am thrilled to report that the Governor's Advisory Council approved my nomination of Dr. Jen Stichman to be our CO Chapter Vice President. In addition to co-chairing our Scientific Meeting Planning Committee, Jen works an internist and a rheumatologist at Denver Health. In her role as VP she will be assisting at our GAC (Governor's Advisory Council) meetings, filling in for me if I am indisposed, and working on outreach to internists around the state. If you would like to connect with Dr. Stichman here is her contact information
I'm also very pleased that Dr. Megan Hiles has agreed to join Dr. Mugabe Walker as co-chair of the »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp Committee. If you know an internal medicine physician who you think might benefit from becoming an ACP member (and what IM doc wouldn't?) please reach out to them and share this LINK for easy membership registration.
I hope to see you all at the Broadmoor in February!
With respect and gratitude,
-Dr. Gail Mizner, MD FACP