
November 18, 2022

IM Thriving Masthead

Well-being Champion Resources That Facilitate Networking and Interventions

As emphasized by an recently published by the Mayo Clinic Proceedings and the U.S. Surgeon General's on Building a Thriving Health Workforce, the occupational burnout and dissatisfaction among physicians necessitate system-level interventions.

In this issue of I.M. Thriving, we provide the necessary tools for Well-being Champions to implement timely interventions in their chapters and organizations to tackle work-related stress and promote well-being. We also provide opportunities for networking, particularly in group coaching.

We look forward to hearing from you! Please e-mail acpwellbeing@acponline.org with your thoughts and suggestions for newsletter topics and features.

Check out the links below for resources you can use for yourself and others:

  • Visit the I.M. Emotional Support Hub and Video Series to learn more about individual and organizational strategies and resources to protect clinicians' emotional health.
  • Explore Well-being Champion (WBC) resources, including coaching sign-ups, the WBC contact list, a library of well-being interventions, and the WBC journey map. Find out how chapters can partner with WBCs (must be signed-in to ACP online).
  • Watch Game Plan Refresh Series videos for trained WBCs. Revisit strategies learned during your WBC training and new skills to grow your toolkit to support you and your colleagues.
  • Submit an abstract for consideration to present at the annual Quality and Well-being Champion Networking Reception. a new website dedicated to “Compassion Moments: Skills for Patient Care & Self Care” designed by our Utah WBC, Sonia Raaum, MD, FACP.
  • Learn how to modernize license and credentialing applications to destigmatize mental health, discover clinician well-being initiatives and research studies, and visit the ACP Advance QI Curriculum to guide your ongoing projects.
  • Read about “How Health Systems Can Improve Relationships with Their Doctors” and lifestyle behaviors we can adapt for well-being from our pets.
  • Review Patients Before Paperwork and advocacy updates that affect physician well-being and professional fulfillment.

Please join us in your ACP Champion forum and/or and reach out to us any time at acpwellbeing@acponline.org.


Your ACP Well-being Team

Please log your Well-being Champion activities in your new and improved Well-being Champion Activities Tracker!

Activity Tracker