
July 17, 2020

IM Thriving Masthead

In these times of crisis, a community of well-being is increasingly important.

In these times of crisis, a community of well-being is increasingly important. We are thrilled to offer you new, virtual group coaching sessions with other ACP Well-being Champions, facilitated by Dr. Kerri Palamara. In our recent , a majority of Well-being Champions responded that they are looking for more goals and direction, help with planning chapter-based activities, and collaborative partnerships. Take positive action and for these monthly coaching sessions that can help focus your goals for your well-being work and build partnerships with other Champions.

We know that the months and years ahead will be challenging for our frontline workers. As past pandemics and disasters have shown us, the mental health challenges we and our colleagues may face will be tremendous. As we move toward the new normal in health care, let's work together to make it more inclusive, more value-based, and more fulfilling. The resources below provide valuable information that can help you increase the well-being of your colleagues and yourself.

Check out the links below for resources you can use for yourselves or to help others. Please note you will need to be signed into ACPOnline for links to function:

  • Sign up for new Well-being Champion group coaching sessions.
  • Attend new ACP well-being webinars.
  • Learn lessons from palliative care clinicians on how to support the mental health of frontline health care workers, and check out other noteworthy resources.
  • Read how Well-being Champion Arielle Berger, MD, helped create a program to teach professionalism to residents.
  • Discover how frontline clinicians are coping during this crisis, and read how clinicians deal with biased patients.
  • Review ACP's latest administrative and regulatory relief advocacy.

As always, please join us on Twitter at , post in your ACP Champion forum, and reach out to us anytime at acpwellbeing@acponline.org


Your ACP Well-being Team

Discuss the news topics above and share advice and ideas with other Well-being Champions in your private forum.