
July 15, 2022

IM Thriving Masthead

Take Steps Toward Promoting Belonging

We all belong in the circle of human concern - Othering & Belonging Institute

In this issue of I.M. Thriving, to promote belonging, we are highlighting resources that can help facilitate the bridging of divides and create healing and thriving environments.

The alarm sounded by the emphasizes that health worker burnout is at crisis levels and must be a top national priority: “The nation’s health depends on the well-being of our workforce.” Taking intentional action from where we are to collaborate, include all voices, and strengthen our community is crucial as we navigate through our journey toward transforming the culture of medicine. This all begins with a simple act: having and giving spaces to belong.

Creating a culture of belonging requires a multi-pronged and multi-stakeholder approach. We hope that the resources help you in your many community roles.

Check out the links below for tools and resources that you can use for yourself and your organization and to teach others:

Please join us on Twitter at and post in your ACP Champion forum, and reach out to us any time at acpwellbeing@acponline.org.


Your ACP Well-being Team

Please log your Well-being Champion activities in your new and improved Well-being Champion Activities Tracker!

Activity Tracker