
In the News

Civility Saves Lives—The Impact and Importance of Civility in the Workplace

By Joe Farmer and Penny Hurst

On the Wards Blog, Australia

“Medicine requires . To achieve the best outcomes for a patient, a team needs to perform well. Good relationships between clinicians can help a team run like a well-oiled machine. There are many elements that contribute to good relationships, and being civil, or nice, is one of these. On the flip side of this, therefore, is incivility. Rudeness can manifest easily within a team. And like a faulty cog, incivility can cause a breakdown. The negative effects of incivility include reduced performance and it negatively impacts the clinical outcomes of our patients.”

The Importance of Holding Space

By Faryal Michaud, DO

KevinMD Blog

“Holding space means being physically, mentally, and emotionally present for someone. It means putting your focus on someone to support them as they feel their feelings. An important aspect of holding space is managing judgment while you are present.”

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