
Tech Tips and Support for Peer Coaching Programs

General Requirements 

  1. The program is delivered via an online platform. You will log into the platform using your first and last name and the email address you used when registering (your ACP account email—see /myacp to check if you aren’t sure which email address is your primary on your ACP account). If you have already registered: 
  2. Your program will include one or more virtual sessions with a coach, trainer, and/or other facilitator. You will need a video camera and microphone connected to whatever device you use to participate in these activities. To optimize your audio quality and avoid causing feedback loops, either:
    • Utilize headphones to ensure your speaker audio doesn't feed back into your microphone.
    • Ensure you are muted when not speaking.
  3. When you join a session (via the “Join Session” button in the platform), you will need to: 
    • Allow your web browser to access your video camera and microphone. See below, “Web Browser Settings / Enabling Video and Microphone” if you are not prompted to do so and need help enabling this in your browser. 
    • Click the video camera and microphone icons to enable them. If they have lines through the icons, you will need to click them to toggle them on. See below if you do not see these icons. 
    • Click the “Raise Hand (Participate)” button to request that your video camera and microphone be enabled for the session. If you fail to do this, your facilitator will be unable to see or hear you, so you’ll be unable to participate in the session. 
    • Note that if you have multiple video or audio devices connected to your device, you may need to select the correct ones. You can do so by clicking the arrow next to the video and/or microphone icons in the bottom left corner of the video screen. 

Web Browser Settings / Enabling Video and Microphone 

You will need to allow your web browser to access your video camera and microphone. Methods for doing so vary by browser, platform (Windows vs. Mac), and browser version, so step 1 is to ensure that you are using the latest version of your browser of choice. Use to check which browser you’re using and whether an upgrade is available. 

Once you ensure you are using a current, supported browser, you will need to allow it to access your video camera and microphone. Most browsers will prompt you with this question when you arrive at the video session, so you’ll need only click “Accept” or “Yes” but if you miss this opportunity or accidentally click “Decline” or “No” then you can manually enable. See these instructions for: 

  • Google  
  • Microsoft  
  • Mozilla  
  • Apple  

Managing Your Microphone to Avoid Audio Issues

As with all multi-person virtual meetings, you'll want to make sure you have muted your microphone when you are not speaking so that the sound coming from your speakers doesn't feed back into your microphone causing a feedback loop. Best practice is to use headphones with a microphone so you can remain unmuted but still avoid creating a feedback loop.

Mobile Devices (Not Recommended)

While it is possible to participate in your virtual sessions within a mobile device browser, we highly recommend that you utilize a full-size web browser (laptop, desktop, or tablet device) for optimal experience. You’ll need to see and interact with multiple people and utilize features like chat and other program tools, depending upon your program, and doing so will be challenging from a small screen. 

If you do need to utilize a mobile device, however, you will need to turn it to landscape mode (long side horizontal) in order to access all the controls necessary to participate. 

Ensuring You Receive Program Email

Unless you have provided your mobile number, you will receive your Verification Code to enter the platform via the email account you used during registration (see General Requirements above). To ensure that you receive this and important reminder emails, you should add the following addresses and domains to your allowed senders list. If you are utilizing a work email account, ask your IT staff how to do this. See for doing so in various email platforms. 

Allow email from: 

  • help@acponline.org (ACP Member and Product Support) 
  • IP addresses (for corporate email systems):,, 

Getting Help