
ACP Resident/Fellow Member Winning Presentations for the 2020 National Abstracts Competition

ACP highlights virtual presentations for winning abstracts originally selected for an oral Podium Presentation at the now canceled Internal Medicine Meeting 2020.

Clinical Vignette View videos

  • A Large Epiglottic Cyst Complicated by Acute Airway Obstruction in an Adult Patient with History of Electronic Cigarette Use: A Case Report
    Anamarys Blanco, MDr
    ACP Florida Chapter

  • Opsoclonus in an Encephalopathic Patient: Dancing Around the Diagnosis
    Sophie Clark, MD
    ACP Colorado Chapter

  • Immunoglobulin Electrophoresis' Results Can Save Your Patient’s Life. A Case Report Example Of Why And When Internists Should Order It.
    Alina Guseynova, MD
    ACP Michigan Chapter

  • Mystifying Microangiopathy: A Rare Breast Cancer-Associated Complication Treated Successfully With Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide
    Dakota Jenneman, DO
    ACP Florida Chapter

  • Hashimoto’s Encephalopathy: a rare cause of seizure-like activity
    Heba Osman, DO
    ACP Michigan Chapter

  • Failure of dual anticoagulation in the treatment of recurrent venous thromboembolism in a patient with high factor VIII levels.
    Bassil Said, MBBCh
    ACP New York Chapter

  • Hard to recognize the face of fasciitis: a unique case of Shulman Syndrome.
    Khanal Shristi, MBBS
    ACP Pennsylvania Southeastern Chapter

  • An atypical presentation of Lemierre's syndrome: necrotizing fasciitis complicated by septic emboli and empyema without thrombophlebitis
    Juan Sierra David, MD
    ACP Texas Northern Chapter

  • Vaping: Your One-Stop Shop for ARDS
    Paul Steinhauser, MD
    ACP US Air Force Chapter

Basic Research View video

  • Targeting Adipo-Pulmonary Axis to Prevent and Treat Obesity Related Asthma
    Mehmet F. Burak, MD
    ACP Massachusetts Chapter

Clinical Research View videos

  • Mortality and ICU Length of Stay in Septic Shock Patients with Positive Troponins
    Behzad Amoozgar, MD
    ACP New York Chapter

  • Impact of Intraoperative Transfusion on Pulmonary Complications in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: Implications on Short and Long Term Mortality
    Sanaa Badour, MBBS

Quality Improvement-Patient Safety View videos

  • Implementing and Optimizing Inpatient Access to Dermatology Consultations via Telemedicine: An Experiential Study
    Kartik Dhaduk, MBBS
    ACP New York Hudson Valley Chapter

  • Reducing Inpatient Laboratory Tests Ordered By Internal Medicine Residents
    Muhammad Hasham Sarwar, MD
    ACP Texas Northern Chapter

  • Areas for Improvement in Antibiotic Prescribing Practices for Streptococcal Pharyngitis
    Hannah Masoud, MD
    ACP North Carolina Chapter