
ACP’s Chair, Board of Regents, William E. Fox, MD, MACP, talks about his love of being a detective for the human body

William E. Fox, MD, FACP


William E. Fox, MD, MACP
Primary Care Physician and Partner in Fox & Brantley Internal Medicine
Charlottesville, VA

University of Pennsylvania’s School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA


1. I was born and raised in … White Meadow Lake, New Jersey.

2. As a child I … liked to explore!

3. I decided to be a doctor … because I love being a detective for the human body.

4. The persons who influenced me the most … were my Mom and Dad.


5. I chose internal medicine because … we are the doctor’s doctor. We are among the best at addressing the complexities of human health.

6. What I find most rewarding about my career is … my relationship with wonderful patients.

7. I joined ACP because … I wanted to make a difference, especially in health care policy. I stayed involved not only because of that but also because of the incredible colleagues and staff that I have met along the way who have truly enriched my life.

8. An award or achievement I am proud of is … the Richard Neubauer Advocate for Internal Medicine Award in 2014. It was an unexpected recognition of my work in advocacy.


9. My advice to medical students is … you are entering a wonderful profession and can do anything you set your heart and mind to. Never underestimate your true potential.


10. I like people who … are quick with a joke and laugh easily.

11. My family includes … my sibs Amy and Andrew, a bunch of nieces and nephews, and my amazing 92-year-old Dad.

12. My interests/hobbies are … hiking and traveling.

13. If I had the time, I would like to learn … how to be a better guitar player.

14. I enjoy listening to … lots and lots of podcasts, from history to crime to movies to pop culture. And, of course, classic rock!


15. I enjoy watching … any kind of movie, from old black-and-white classics to the latest sci-fi.

16. My idea of a great vacation is … adventure travel with a lot of outdoor activities.

17. Something others may not know about me is … I make a mean pesto and a passable Manhattan.

18. If I could be anything other than a physician, I would be … a nature/wildlife photographer.

19. A person I greatly admire is/was … any member of the Greatest Generation.

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