
My Kind of Medicine: Officer Profiles: Jack Ende, MD, MACP and Susan Hingle, MD, MACP

Jack Ende, MD, MACPIncoming ACP President
Jack Ende, MD, MACP

Current Occupation
General internist and Professor of Medicine

Medical School
Medical College of Virginia

Philadelphia, PA


  1. I was born and raised in …New York City, the Bronx to be exact – a lot closer to the Zoo than to Yankee Stadium, and right across the street from the subway. So I got around!
  2. As a child I was …curious. I wanted to know how things worked, how people did things, how I might get good at certain things. And the solution was always the same: go to the library, find a book or, more often, books, and read all about it. I believed there was nothing that could not be learned from books. I think I had some sense about the importance of practice; but practice was not nearly as interesting as secrets found in books.
  3. I decided to be a doctor …when it became clear I was not going to win the Nobel prize in chemistry, and I appreciated that I really did like working with people. My parents wanted me to become a doctor. This really did not help things. But in the end, I swallowed my pride and did what my parents wanted me to do. It was tough, though.
  4. The person(s) who influenced me the most …My college fencing coach, the chief of medicine at the hospital where I did my residency training, Herb Waxman, and my wife – but not in that order!


  1. I chose internal medicine because …without a doubt, where I trained, the internists were the most amazing members of the faculty, and the senior residents in medicine were pretty amazing also. And I felt comfortable on the medicine inpatient service, and never felt that way in the OR, new born nursery or radiology suite. I must say I almost became a psychiatrist. If the psychiatrists had talked about anion gaps and respiratory physiology, they would have had me.
  2. What I find most rewarding about my career is …sitting in the exam room with patients and rounding with housestaff.
  3. I joined ACP because …I cut my organizational teeth with other associations, namely SGIM and APDIM. Both were remarkable groups, and provided enormous opportunity for professional growth. But I really resonated with ACP, particularly the College’s commitment to the knowledge of medicine, its content, and bringing that content to an intellectually alive community of internists. So I was hooked after my first Annual Session. And then as I got to know the wonderful people that comprise the ACP – its membership and staff – as well as it vast resources, I came to appreciate that the most important contribution I could make to my profession would be as a member of the College.
  4. An award or achievement I am proud of …Becoming a Regent of the College and then President – so much more than I could have expected.
  5. My advice to medical students is …I’ll borrow one from Osler, “Good doctors treat disease; great doctors treat patients with disease.â€


  1. A person I greatly admire is/was …Again, Osler. He was incredible in so many ways.
  2. I like people who …are straight forward, without airs, and enjoy a good joke.     
  3. My family includes …my amazing wife; my three remarkable children, Jenny, Alex and Ben; my wonderful son- and daughter-in-law; and my three incredible granddaughters. There are also two Ende dogs in heaven – I’m sure of that.
  4. My interests/hobbies are …golf, cooking, and reading.
  5. If I had the time, I would like to learn …golf and cooking. I know how to read.
  6. I enjoy listening to …the ocean
  7. I enjoy watching …a good sports movie, especially if it ends with a slow motion scene. Ever see an old man cry?
  8. My idea of a great vacation is …somewhere with plenty to do, and my family to do it with.
  9. Something others may not know about me is …I am totally fine being alone. I don’t prefer that, but it sure beats being with people you would rather not be with.
  10. If I could be anything other than a physician I would be …most likely, one of those people who wishes he was a physician. Not that being a physician is the top of the heap or the only worthwhile thing to do; but for some of us, it’s about as good as it gets.




Susan Thompson Hingle, MD, MACPIncoming Chair, Board of Regents:
Susan Thompson Hingle, MD, MACP

Current Occupation
Internal Medicine physician and medical educator

Medical School
I currently work at the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. I went to Rush Medical College in Chicago and did my residency and chief residency at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, DC.

I currently live in Springfield, IL with my husband and 2 sons.


  1. I was born and raised in …I was born in Milwaukee, WI. I lived in Detroit, MI until I was 7 years old when we moved to Decatur, IL where I was raised. People may not know that Decatur’s claim to fame is that it is the Soybean Capital of the World!
  2. As a child I was …very quiet and shy. I was the middle of three sisters. I began to come out of my shell through athletics. I was a gymnast, basketball player, and runner. I was also an avid reader who made weekly trips to the book mobile and the library.
  3. I decided to be a doctor …during college after my mom passed away from cancer. My dad was an OB-Gyn, but I was planning on becoming a social worker or a schoolteacher until I threw myself into my studies to cope with my mom’s death. I have never regretted my decision.
  4. The person(s) who influenced me the most …My parents. I thought it was incredible the influence that my dad had on our community. We frequently ran into his patients who were so incredibly grateful for the care he provided to them. He also impacted our community by his involvement in community service. My mom was sick frequently while I was growing up and developed cancer when I was in high school. Her fighting spirit and resolve were amazing as was her compassionate spirit and empathy. She would always help others, even when she was not feeling well. When people think of her, they remember her kindness, warmth, and her smile.


  1. I chose internal medicine because …I wanted to be able to form meaningful long-term relationships with my patients. I enjoy the complexity of Internal Medicine and that it combines the art and science of medicine.
  2. What I find most rewarding about my career is …that every day is different and meaningful and fun. I can’t believe that I get paid to spend my time with amazing people; my patients, my learners (students and residents), and my teammates! How cool is that?!
  3. I joined ACP because …my residency program director encouraged me to. He thought that my values meshed well with the ACPs. He was spot on! I have stayed involved because of the ACPs core values and principles.
  4. An award or achievement I am proud of …that my medical students recognized me with the Gold Humanism in Medicine Award. I am grateful that they view me as someone with integrity, compassion, altruism, respect, empathy and service combined with clinical excellence in patient care.
  5. My advice to medical students is …Follow your heart. Do what feels right. The logistics will be able to be worked out, but if you chose something that does not excite you or challenge you, you will not be happy. Do not worry about what others think.


  1. A person I greatly admire is…my son Thomas. He has Asperger’s, so many things in life are challenging for him, but he never gives up. His spirit and courage are so admirable. His emotions are so pure and real. He has helped me to understand happiness, joy, sadness, pain, and love so much more fully.
  2. I like people who …are compassionate and caring.
  3. My family includes …my husband, Kevin, my 2 sons, Thomas and Ryan, our dog, Noah, our cats Wilson and Luna, and our fish Norman and Mr. Flack. I have a large extended family as well. I am so grateful. My family grounds and centers me.
  4. My interests/hobbies are …my family, reading, and the World Champion Chicago Cubs! (I still can’t believe they actually won!) I used to be a runner and am trying to find my mojo to get back into it.
  5. If I had the time, I would like to learn …sign language.
  6. I enjoy listening to …a wide variety of music from pop to jazz to classical. I also enjoy listening to my kids laugh – they both have joyous laughs.
  7. I enjoy watching …my sons playing piano, soccer, and with spending time with each other.
  8. My idea of a great vacation is …hiking in the Rocky Mountains with my husband and sons! To me, the Rockies are my heaven on earth.
  9. Something others may not know about me is …I traveled around the world during college on a Semester-at-Sea and that I was a spelling bee champion.
  10. If I could be anything other than a physician I would be …a wealthy philanthropist and elementary school teacher who is a part-time volunteer park ranger.

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