
MKSAP 19 - Help

Getting Started

Find your best study approach by exploring different ways to use MKSAP 19 to meet your learning goals. You can assess your knowledge by taking a practice exam or exploring the Board Exam Topic Guide. Consider how you prefer to study, what strategies have helped you before, and what hasn't worked out so well. MKSAP's interlinked content is designed to allow you to work through it your way. You can prepare for an upcoming exam with tools such as Boards Basics, Flashcards and Quick Qs. And take a deeper review with MKSAP's Learning Plan or test yourself with Custom Quizzes. All of these features and more are oulined on the page. You can also view the video below for more information.

What is IM-ITE® Feedback?

Available to residency programs, MKSAP's Internal Medicine In-Training Examination® (IM-ITE) Feedback helps identify the topics for ITE questions you answered incorrectly, and then makes it easy to incorporate those topics into your personalized MKSAP Learning Plan.

How do I set-up MKSAP's IM-ITE Feedback?

If you recently took the ITE, begin on your MKSAP home page and click View My Feedback. Feedback is available for the 2022 and 2023 exams. You only need to set up your ITE results once for each exam. You will need your Candidate ID and Program ID, found on your ITE Score Report. Contact your program director if you don’t have your Candidate or Program ID. After you submit your information, your personalized ITE feedback will be loaded into your MKSAP account.

How do I connect IM-ITE Feedback to my Learning Plan?

Your ITE feedback shows the educational objectives of the questions you answered incorrectly, and offers options for you to build your custom Learning Plan based on this ITE feedback.

The quickest approach allows you to populate your Learning Plan with a single click. Choose "Add All To Learning Plan" at the top of the ITE Feedback page. This adds to your Learning Plan all MKSAP topics related to the educational objectives of the questions you answered incorrectly. You’ll have a chance to review the topics that will be added to your Learning Plan before you finalize this action.

If you prefer to fine tune your study rather than adding all the missed topics, expand each content area to view educational objectives for the questions you missed, grouped by topic. Review these objectives to decide which topics you need to study. Customize your Learning Plan by adding or removing topics to target for future study.

What is the Board Exam Topic Guide?

The is availble to help plan your study based on how topics are weighted in the Board exams. Use this guide to quickly access related MKSAP content based on ABIM topic categories.

What is the Longitudinal Knowledge Assessment (LKA)?

The is a flexible Maintenance of Certification (MOC) assessment option from the ABIM that aims to address the needs of today's practicing internists and subspecialists. The LKA consists of a five-year cycle, featuring sets of 30 questions every quarter that can be answered a few at a time or all at once. You can work at your own pace during the quarter (unopened questions will expire at the end of the quarter), and will receive immediate feedback on your answers with rationales and references to help identify areas for future study, as well as feedback on your performance relative to the passing standard.

How can I use MKSAP to help with the Longitudinal Knowledge Assessment (LKA)?

Before answering a LKA question on a random topic you can study up on commonly tested topics with the interactive Board Exam Topic Guide, test your knowledge using MKSAP's traditional learning questions, or by taking a custom quiz made of randomized topics, practice answering Board-style questions using MKSAP Quick Qs, or build a personalized learning plan that targets areas for more in-depth review.

During and after answering a LKA question you can use the Board Exam Topic Guide to find reference content for that topic, add a topic to your Learning Plan to track topics for further study, and earn CME/MOC credits/points by answering additional questions reinforcing the topic.

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Your Account and Settings

How do I log in?

MKSAP 19 shares the same username and password as ACP Online, Annals of Internal Medicine, and most other online products from ACP. If you created a username and password when you purchased MKSAP 19 or if you are an ACP member and already have an ACP Online username and password, your username and password are the credentials you should enter to access MKSAP 19. If you do NOT already have an ACP Online account, create a new ACP account. Then you can return to and log in with your new ACP username and password.

What if I forget my username or password?

Your username and password are the same as those you use for most online products and services from ACP (e.g., Annals.org, ACP Online, and previous versions of MKSAP). If you forget your username or password or wish to make changes, you can edit your account information on ACP Online.

How do I adjust my display settings?

MKSAP 19 gives you the ability to adjust the font size, as well as the brightness for both day and nighttime viewing. To adjust your settings, click in the Navigation pane. On this screen you can turn on night mode which will make the screen darker. Toggle it off again to increase the brightness. You can increase or decrease the font size with the + and - icons, respectively. Tap the A to return to the default font settings.

What measures are in place to support accessibility in MKSAP?

ƹϵεapp, Inc. takes the following measures to ensure accessibility of MKSAP:

  • Provide continual accessibility training for our staff.
  • Assign clear accessibility goals and responsibilities.
  • Utilize 3rd party experts to generate accessibility reviews and recommendations/road maps.

A 3rd party accessibility expert conducts multiple accessibility reviews of MKSAP. We continue to iteratively advance our compliance with accessibility standards, informed by the recommendations in these accessibility reviews.

View the most recent VPAT®Version 2.4 Accessibility Conformance Report (PDF)

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How to Navigate

How do I see the Table of Contents?

The home page for each subspecialty has a list of all topics in the subspecialtiy. In addition, you can click the TOC button on the right of any content page to display the Table of Contents for that area. Clicking on any section title will advance you to that section. Click Hide to minimize the TOC.

If I leave MKSAP 19 and return, how do I pick up where I left off?

When you return to MKSAP 19, the home page will list some of the sections you viewed when you last visited the site and have links directly to where you left off in each.

How can I find Hospitalist-focused content?

All questions that are focused primarily on the hospital setting have been identified with a blue [H] icon.

You can also create a Custom Quiz and select the "Limit to Hospitalist-focused questions" option in step 3 if you only want to answer questions related to a hospital setting.

What is High Value Care and how do I learn more about it?

High Value Care (HVC) is a philosophy of choosing diagnostic and management strategies for patients in specific clinical situations that balance clinical benefit with cost and harms, with the goal of improving patient outcomes. Visit the to learn more about HVC, as well as specific HVC recommendations.

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Answering Questions

How do I answer questions?

To answer a question, click on the answer you feel best answers the question presented. When you want to make it final, click the Submit Answer button.

How can I quickly access random questions?

The Shuffle Questions feature, available on both the home and question bank pages, drops you immediately into a question that is randomly selected from across the entire Question Bank. Click the "Show me a question" button to begin. You can continue answering random questions by clicking the "Show Me Another Question" button that appears at the bottom of every question page after you answer the question. You can view your current progress on the shuffled questions from this session, also located at the bottom of the page, as well as access a link to review recently answered questions.

Where can I find a listing of all my questions?

The easiest way is to visit the , click on the question type (e.g., MKSAP 19 Questions) and then choose a subspeciality. These pages give a quick snapshot of your progress. From this area you can check your CME/MOC status, review your answered questions, pick up where you left off, see how you fared on each question, and more. If you click on the answer number it will take you directly to that question. Question number bubbles with a red X are incorrect, questions with a green check are correct, and numbers alone are unanswered. You can also use the filter to only show questions in those groups.

Can I delete only my incorrect answers?

Yes, though you will need to do so for each section, individually. The easiest way is to visit the , click on the question type, go to the subspeciality and select Show Incorrectly Answered Questions from the list of filters that appears above the answer sheet, and then click Clear All Incorrectly Answered Questions. A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm. Click the Clear Answers button if you are sure.

How can I make notes about questions for study later?

You have the ability to take Notes as well as use the Highlighting feature in any combination that works best for you. In addition, you can add questions to your Learning Plan to review later.

How can I learn more about the questions I've answered?

On the Answer Sheet for each section (click on Question Bank and select your desired section), there is a button on the right which reads "Review Questions." Clicking on this button will provide the educational objective and related text for every question you've answered in that section.

How can I add questions to my Learning Plan?

Questions can be added to your Learning Plan at any time by opening the Learning Plan pane on the right of the screen and clicking Add to Learning Plan. A link is also provided at the bottom of each critique after you answer the question.

Where can I find more information about a question topic?

All questions have a Related Content section at the bottom of the critique. This will list all related sections from the Text, as well as a Bibliography for further reading.

How can I compare my performance to that of my peers?

After you submit your answer to a MKSAP question, next to each answer option you’ll see the percentage of MKSAP 19 learners who have selected that answer.

To further assist MKSAP 19 learners in comparing their performance with that of their peers, percentile score normalization graphs based on pre-test statistics are available. A population of pre-testers answered MKSAP 19 questions without the assistance of text or other supporting materials during a pre-publication period. These learners – practicing generalists and subspecialists within Internal Medicine – answered the questions online and only within sections outside of any self-identified area(s) of subspecialty expertise, ensuring that these comparative statistics represent performance on the questions by the general population of practicing internists.

Percentile scores were calculated for each of the sections and are presented graphically so learners may compare their test scores to this population of pre-testers using standard percentile normalizations. To compare your performance within a given subspecialty to that of peer learners, complete all questions in the subspecialty. Identify the percentage you scored correctly along the x axis of the subspecialty's graph. The corresponding percentile (y axis) indicates what percentage of pre-testers scored lower than you. For example, if your test score (x axis) was 67%, and the corresponding percentile (y axis) is 85%, this would mean that a score of 67% was a better score than 85% of other test-takers.

View percentile score normalization graphs (PDF)

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Reading the Text

How do I see the text that is related to a particular question, or questions that are related to specific parts of the text?

From every question page, you can select Related Text (found at the bottom of the page) to see a snippet of the related content. Click View the full text to link directly to the full section within the text that is most relevant to the question.

Likewise, each text section that has related questions will list them next to the title of that section. When you click on a related question, you will view it in a separate window to avoid losing your place as you read the text, or you can go directly to the questions by clicking on the Jump To This Question link.

How can I open a figure, video, or table in another browser tab so I can look at it separately from the text?

Clicking the table, video, or figure link will open the table, video, or figure right after the paragraph containing the link. A button is provided next to the table, video, or figure name to open it in a new window.

How can I make notes about text for study later?

You have the ability to take Notes as well as use the Highlighting feature in any combination that works best for you. In addition, you can add topics to your Learning Plan to review later.

How can I keep track of what I've read?

At the bottom of every text page is a button to "Mark as Read". You can use this feature to keep track of chapters you've read. All chapters that you mark as read will reflect completion in the Table of Contents.

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Board Basics

What is included in the Board Basics area?

Board Basics is derived from MKSAP 19 content, but presented in a succinct digest style with key facts, tables, and test-taking tips to help you prepare for your Boards. This ABIM board review digest can help you:

  • Absorb key takeaways on the diagnosis and treatment of the many disease entities discussed in MKSAP 19 in a condensed format
  • Avoid Being Tricked by identifying incorrect answers that masquerade as correct choices
  • Test Yourself with abbreviated case histories to recognize how to “decode” question vignettes
  • Deconstruct complex concepts with Study Tables
  • Learn to interpret visual findings with more than 100 four-color images

You can find the Board Basics content by clicking the Board Basics link in the left navigation bar. You can then select a subspecialty to begin your study. Board Basics includes the same features as MKSAP 19 content, such as Figures, Tables, Notes, Highlighting, and the ability to add content to the Learning Plan.

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Confirmation of Relevant Education (CORE)

What is CORE in MKSAP?

MKSAP’s Confirmation of Relevant Education, or CORE, Questions comprise 180 new multiple-choice questions designed to allow you to test your knowledge, demonstrate proficiency, and document ongoing engagement in relevant education.

How do I access the CORE self-assessment questions within MKSAP 19?

ACP has been piloting a new ACP Medical Knowledge and Self-Assessment Program (MKSAP 19) feature, CORE (Confirmation of Relevant Education), which allows physician learners to enter a more rigorous assessment component including a standardized passing threshold. If successful, CORE participants receive a badge confirming their achievement and can earn and print a CORE certificate for inclusion in their professional portfolio. ACP has received overwhelmingly positive feedback on CORE’s perceived value and relevance to clinical practice during this pilot phase.

The CORE Questions are grouped by subspecialty. To access the pilot MKSAP 19 CORE Questions, you must answer at least half of MKSAP 19’s robust multiple-choice questions within a subspecialty, and at least half of those questions must be answered correctly. Your progress answering questions is tracked across the MKSAP platform. When those criteria are met, the CORE quiz for that subspecialty will be unlocked. You will receive a message that the CORE quiz is unlocked. You can find CORE questions through your dashboard on the home page or through the Question Bank.

How do I earn CORE badges and certificates?

Each subspeciality contains a 15-question quiz with a 4-minute per question countdown timer. The timer will inform you if you pass the 4-minute mark before submitting an answer, but it will not close the question or count against your progress. After unlocking a subspecialty's CORE quiz, you will need to answer all 15 questions to complete the quiz. Answer at least 8 of the 15 MKSAP 19 CORE questions correctly to pass and earn the badge for that subspecialty. After you complete a quiz, you’ll have a chance to review your results and retake the quiz if you wish. The question order is randomized each time you start a quiz.

There are twelve badges to collect in the MKSAP 19 CORE pilot feature. A printable certificate for each badge you’ve earned is available as a fast and easy way to demonstrate your commitment to learning and for inclusion in your professional portfolio.

Will CORE be included in the new ACP MKSAP?

In April, 2025, following the February 2025 launch of ACP MKSAP, ACP plans to release a CORE standardized assessment feature that will be fully integrated into the new ACP MKSAP program. The new CORE feature will meet the needs of internal medicine physicians to recognize their dedication to continual learning and assessment, and their achievements in keeping up with changes in medical knowledge. Physicians will be able to collect ACP MKSAP CORE badges and print a certificate for each earned badge to demonstrate their commitment to learning and for inclusion in a professional portfolio. Final details of the ACP MKSAP CORE program are under development.

More information about ACP MKSAP can be found here.

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Learning Plan

What is the Learning Plan?

The Learning Plan allows you to create a unique course of study based on your strengths and knowledge gaps. You can select a subspecialty to target topics for studying. Each topic displays the number of text sections and questions, along with your current progress, to help you decide which topics to add to your plan. Your Learning Plan topics show related multiple-choice questions, the topic outline, and other educational materials to help you master the subject.

How do I add and remove content from my Learning Plan?

When you are in the Learning Plan, click the Edit Topic button to add and remove topics as your understanding grows and your learning needs change. Topics can also be added to your Learning Plan throughout MKSAP 19. All topics and questions include an Add to Learning Plan button so you can add topics as you read. If the topic is already part of your Learning Plan, you will see a "Remove from Learning Plan" button to give you the option to remove it from your plan.

How can I track progress in my Learning Plan?

Each topic in your Learning Plan is organized into subtopics. Open each subtopic to review the related text, questions, tables, figures, and key points. You can track your progress by marking each subtopic as mastered when you feel confident.

How can I test myself on topics in the Learning Plan?

Select the desired subspeciality topic in your Learning Plan and click View Topic. Any topic that has related questions will include a View Topic Questions button. Click that button and then click the Create New Custom Quiz button. This will display a pop up where you can select which questions you would like to include in the Custom Quiz and what you would like to name it so you can find it later. After you finish your selections, click Start Custom Quiz to answer questions on this topic.

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What is Tracker?

MKSAP 19 Tracker is a free enhancement to MKSAP 19 Digital. It is an educator’s toolbox enabling monitoring of residents’ progress as they work through MKSAP 19’s multiple-choice questions. Tracker can also help programs meet their documentation needs, serving as a source of documentation of resident performance. Learn more about this valuable tool on the MKSAP 19 Tracker information page.

How are residents added to a Tracker program?

Residents must consent to share their MKSAP 19 data. Use the signup activity list to keep track of participants’ invitation status. Once residents have consented to participate in the Tracker program, the monitor/administrator can organize their residents based on cohort, learning needs, or other organization methods. View and export progress reports by subspecialty and view peer comparisons.

Where can I track my program members' progress?

In the members tab, view all your residents’ overall progress and progress by subspecialty. Use the export links to download your residents' data and run your own custom reports. You can also view and export Individual progress reports. View how individual residents answered MKSAP 19 questions to identify potential learning gaps and areas of confusion on important content areas.

How can I assign tasks for my residents?

Create custom MCQ assignments within a topic area as part of a remediation plan or to meet a learners’ identified needs. Click the Assignments tab, add a new assignment with the button, fill in the form, and choose Custom Assignment. Select a subspecialty and add a few questions. Participants are notified of Assignments within their individual MKSAP 19 accounts, where they can complete assignments. As assignments are completed, view progress through the Assignments tab.

How can I complete Tracker assignments?

After you accept the invitation from your program adminstrator and consent to sharing your MKSAP 19 data, you will be added to your residency group. Your program adminstrator can then add assignments, such as answering questions. You will notified in your account that you have an assignment waiting for completion. Answer the listed questions to complete the task. Your adminstrator will be able to track your progress and help you focus on areas of confusion.


How do I use the flashcards?

You can find the flashcards by clicking the Flashcards link in the left navigation bar. Upon clicking the "Reveal answer" link, the question and answer are shown along with three button options. Choose the most appropriate response for how well you feel you know the answer: Incorrect (I don't know the answer), Unsure (I partially or nearly know the answer), or Correct (I know the answer).

Continue through 15 flashcards until you’ve reached your periodic check-in to evaluate your progress. Behind the scenes, the flashcard algorithm will shuffle and reorganize cards according to your responses. You’ll see cards that need more review more often and those that you’ve marked as known less frequently. Keep going until you feel you have reached a good break point. Return later, and you can track your cumulative progress over time. Your overall progress report will show your most recent self-reported responses and links to related MKSAP content for additional study.

What is adaptive learning?

MKSAP 19’s digital flashcards have been enhanced with adaptive learning technology to help strengthen and reinforce knowledge through repeated exposure to question concepts you have marked with your confidences. Customize learning based on your areas of need so that learning is more efficient. With the flashcard's periodic check-in feature, you can continually evaluate your progress as you study.

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Custom Quizzes

How do I create a custom quiz?

MKSAP 19 offers a range of options for creating custom quizzes. Start by accessing the tab in the navigation menu.

To create a new quiz, click the Create a New Quiz button and follow the on-screen instructions to:

  • Choose between Study mode (answers and critiques are displayed as you answer questions) and Exam mode (the quiz is timed and answers are not shown until you complete the quiz). If you choose Exam Mode, you will be asked to set a time limit for your quiz.
  • Choose one or more sections to include in the quiz.
  • Choose whether or not to include previously answered questions or only unanswered questions.
  • Choose whether to limit your selection to Hospitalist-focused questions, High Value Care questions, or to include all questions.
  • Choose the number of questions to include, up to 150.
  • Once you have confirmed your selections, you will be prompted to enter a name for the quiz. The default name is the date on which the quiz was created.

In Exam mode, you’ll see a timer as you work through the questions. You may manually pause the timer.

After you complete your quiz, you can walk through all of your answers and critiques, or just those questions you answered incorrectly. A related text link is provided for further reading. You can create as many custom quizzes as you like, and those will be displayed under Archived Quizzes.

What does the Duplicate this Quiz button do?

To easily create a custom quiz using the same parameters as a quiz you created previously, click on the name of the quiz (either in progress or completed quizzes), select a quiz and click the Duplicate this Quiz button. You will have the opportunity to review the parameters before creating the quiz. Keep in mind that your duplicated quiz may not have the same questions, only that it will be based off of the same parameters.

Can I review past custom quizzes?

To view an Active (in progress) or Archived (completed) Custom Quiz, click on Custom Quizzes in the left nav bar. This will display all Quizzes you have created using the name and specifications you chose during the creation process.

How do I take a practice exam to simulate the ABIM exam?

MKSAP 19 Practice Exams are excellent preparation for the ABIM exam. These will be available beginning January 31, 2022. To take a practice exam, start by accessing the tab in the navigation menu and choose Create A Practice Exam.

Your practice exam will include:

  • 60 randomized questions from across 11 subspecialties based on the ABIM exam blueprint
  • 2-hour time limit (with the ability to pause the timer, unlike the ABIM exam)
  • Correct answers will count toward your CME/MOC progress and overall completion of MKSAP 19

Critiques are hidden until the exam is finished. After the practice exam, you will be able to evaluate your results, study relevant questions, and read related text.

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New Information Updates

What are New Information Updates?

New Information Updates are targeted revisions to the text to reflect important practice-changing information, guidelines, and expert recommendations. Any area in MKSAP 19 that has a new information update will be shown with a blue "i" icon next to its heading.

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Search MKSAP 19

How do I search for something?

Throughout MKSAP 19, the search icon (looks like a magnifying glass) will remain at the top of the navigation menu. Click or tap the Search icon and enter any term or terms in the box. The search engine automatically includes synonyms and searches all questions and text. Seaches that include more than one word will search for all words included in the search box. You can adjust the filter options to limit your search to the exact word or phrase. You can also narrow your search by subspecialty. Your searched words will appear highlighted in the search results.

Some searches will also return a "Top Match" result. Results tagged with a Top Match were hand-picked by content experts to best match certain common search phrases.

After you have performed a search, you can return to the results by clicking on the Search icon again.

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Normal Lab Values

How do I look up Normal Lab Values/Reference Ranges?

From any question page with laboratory values, clicking the beaker icon will display the normal range for that lab test. In addition, clicking the 3-dot button in the upper right-hand corner from any question or text page will bring up a menu. Clicking Reference Ranges will open a lookup tool for lab tests' normal ranges. Entering any portion of the test name will help you efficiently find the one you want. Selecting the test will display MKSAP's normal reference range. If you prefer to view, print, or store a PDF version of the Reference Ranges, selecting the View Reference Ranges PDF button at the top of the lookup tool will download a 2-page PDF of the entire Reference Ranges document.

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How do I take notes while reading?

All text and question pages provide the opportunity to add notes for later review. To add or view your notes, click the Notes icon on the right part of your screen. This will provide an area to add a note and list all notes previously created for that topic. You can associate the note with a given section on text pages using the drop-down that appears in the panel. To hide the notes screen, click on Hide.

Once you have created a note, you can remove it by clicking the Delete button associated with that note.

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How can I highlight text?

Open any text or question page in MKSAP 19 Digital and select the content you wish to highlight with a tap or your mouse. Click the highlighter icon at the bottom of the screen and that text will now be highlighted.

To remove a highlight or change its color, click or tap on your highlighted text. The highlight menu will appear on the lower center of your screen. Click the trash icon to delete or any color to change to that color for the highlight. The color you select becomes the default for future highlights.

How can I find my highlights?

At the bottom of each subspecialty home page in the Tools and Resources section is a link to Highlights. This link will show all the current highlights in each chapter of this subspecialty.

Why is my highlight turning purple on the question page?

The purple highlight color is used to distinguish highlights that will be cleared if/when you clear the answer for that question. Highlights created in question critiques will be retained, even if you clear the answer for that question.

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Document Your Learning

How do I document my learning?

Within the answer sheet of any MKSAP 19 section, click the Document Your Learning button at the bottom of the page. From this area, you'll be able to create, customize, and automatically email copies of PDF-formatted reports of your progress on MKSAP 19 tests, including learning objectives of questions you answered correctly or incorrectly, as well as reflections on your learning. Follow the on-screen instructions to customize your reports to meet whatever needs you may have.

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How can I submit for CME/MOC/CPD credits and points?

In the left navigation bar, click the link for . This page will display all sections that have credits ready to claim. Click your desired subspeciality and then click the Claim Now button. A pop up will appear asking if you'd also like to claim MOC points. If you choose to also submit for MOC points, you will need to input/confirm your first and last name, date of birth and ABIM number. For CME, you will need to select the number of credits you would like to submit from the drop down menu. You can also check the box to email you a confirmation. You can learn more about credits and points on the CME/MOC/CPD Information page.

Where can I find my CME/MOC/CPD submission history?

In the left navigation bar, click the link for . This page will display all sections that have credits ready to claim as well as sections you already claimed. Click your desired subspeciality. Your CME and MOC histories are listed at the bottom of the page. You can also View and Print a certificate from this location.

Why don't I see my MOC points on my ABIM transcript?

We at the ƹϵεapp (ACP) are the accredited providers of CME for MKSAP 19. As such, we are the official record keeper for all CME credits earned and submitted. However, the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) is the official implementer and manager of all Maintenance of Certification (MOC) points. When you submit for MOC from MKSAP 19, we send your information directly to the ABIM, which is responsible for receiving and processing your data and officially tracking receipt and awarding MOC points accordingly. For this reason, MOC points will not immediately show up in your transcript after you submit. Please allow time ((approximately 2 weeks) for processing.

Why doesn't my CME progress bar match my current answer sheet progress bar?

The progress shown on the CME/MOC/CPD page reflects your best effort across all attempts to answer a question. Clearing your answers will not affect your progress towards CME and MOC. Your answer sheet shows your most current answer. If you've answered questions, cleared answers and then answered again, your two progress bars may not match.

How do I submit for MOC in Canada and CPD in Australia?

After answering at least one of two individual questions correctly within a subspecialty section (earning a score of at least 50%) and submitting for CME credits, you will earn one quarter of a credit hour per individual question and will receive an email with your certificate of completion confirming that you have earned CME credits. Visit the to input your hours (Royal College ID and password required). When inputting your hours, note that the MKSAP 19 activity number is 00013153.

Fellows of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) can claim Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits for MKSAP participation in the RACP’s online . We recommend claiming your activity under MyCPD Category 1 – Educational Activities, worth 1 credit per hour. The and further CPD information is available in the .

You can learn more about International credits and points on the CME/MOC/CPD Information page.

How can I submit answers for questions completed offline to qualify for CME, MOC, and CPD?

Any answers completed offline can be added through the page. These answer sheets are intended for users of the MKSAP 19 Print books to transcribe the answers for questions completed offline to qualify for CME, MOC, and CPD. Your answers submitted there will be saved to your MKSAP 19 Digital answer sheets. Once you have saved your progress, visit the page within MKSAP 19 Digital to complete your submissions.

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Errata & Revisions

How do I view errata and revisions?

A full listing of errata and revisions for MKSAP 19 is available on the MKSAP 19 Errata page of this MKSAP Resource Site. Errata and revisions will be published periodically.

How can I report a possible error in MKSAP 19?

To report an erratum or suggest a revision, please contact mksap_editors@acponline.org.

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How do I download the app to my device?

  1. Download/install one or more of these apps on your favorite devices.
  2. Open the app and log in using your MKSAP 19 username/password. (Forgot your password?)
  3. Your answers will sync automatically with MKSAP 19 Online any time your device is connected to the Internet.

Download Links:

*A note to Mac OS users

Some Mac users with newer versions of the Mac OS operating system, specifically versions 10.8 and higher, have reported issues installing the MKSAP 19 apps due to security restrictions. Users can enable installation of the apps by going to System Preferences > Security & Privacy and temporarily changing the "Allow applications downloaded from:" setting to "Anywhere" before starting the installation process. You may switch the setting back to "Mac App Store and identified developers" after the installation is complete.

For more information about the security feature please refer to the Apple Support article about .

How do I access updated content or features in my app?

To access the latest content and features, make sure you're running the latest version of the app. For iOS and Android, your device should notify you through the app store when an update is available. Install the latest version of the app throught the app store. For the Windows and Mac OS, updates must be installed manually. The latest versions of the apps are available in the "Download Links" section above.

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What measures are in place to support accessibility in MKSAP?

ƹϵεapp, Inc. takes the following measures to ensure accessibility of MKSAP:

  • Provide continual accessibility training for our staff.
  • Assign clear accessibility goals and responsibilities.
  • Utilize 3rd party experts to generate accessibility reviews and recommendations/road maps.

A 3rd party accessibility expert conducts multiple accessibility reviews of MKSAP. We continue to iteratively advance our compliance with accessibility standards, informed by the recommendations in these accessibility reviews.

View the most recent VPAT® Version 2.4 Accessibility Conformance Report (PDF)

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