
November 20, 2020

ACP Advocate

Administration News

ACP Ready to Assist Incoming Presidential Administration in Improving U.S. Health Care

Presumed President-Elect Biden has opportunity to reverse decisions that have harmed American health care.

Congressional News and Perspective

During Lame-Duck Session, ACP's Advocacy in Congress Continues

Priorities during this period include legislation on physician payment changes and a COVID-19 stimulus relief package.

ACP Regulatory News

ACP to Members: Complete the RUC Survey to Help Establish Fair Prices

The Relative Value Scale Update Committee provides recommendations to CMS on relative value units for specific procedures and services.

Quick Hits

ONC Extends Information Blocking Compliance Deadline to Spring 2021

On Oct. 29, 2020, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) released an interim final rule with comment period that extends the information blocking compliance deadline to April 15, 2021. Ahead of the initial November 2nd compliance date for the information blocking requirements included in the ONC Cures Act Final Rule, ACP joined a joint letter urging ONC to delay enforcement of respective deadlines. The College is currently working to create guidance and education resources to support members in this space, as well as advocating that the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services' (CMS) delay compliance timelines associated with the interrelated “Patient Access” final regulations. More information on this effort can be found here.

ACP is supporting a national effort to promote COVID-19 safety and health insurance enrollment. We know how essential it is that everyone has access to affordable health care coverage and are partnering with #GetCovered2021 to remind Americans to get insured and stay healthy. #Get Covered 2021 is committed to getting all Americans, who are eligible for coverage today especially in urging health equity for America's diverse communities. Health equity begins with access to care, and access to care comes with having health insurance. Learn more at .


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