
Disclosure of Interests and Management of Conflicts Policy

The »Æ¹ÏµÎµÎapp ("ACP" or "College") is a medical professional society organized for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes. ACP's mission is to "enhance the quality and effectiveness of health care by fostering excellence and professionalism in the practice of medicine." In carrying out that mission, ACP depends on the excellence and professionalism of all who represent it or who are associated with ACP or its name and expects that they will be aware of and seek to avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflicts.

"Disclosure of Interests" is the principal mechanism for identifying conflicts that need to be managed to assure the independent judgment of those individuals who serve in any one or more of the ACP Positions identified below, and to minimize real or perceived bias in ACP's work, which includes educational programs and resources, publications, clinical and/or public policy involving positions or principles ("ACP Policy"), and governance meetings. ACP's Disclosure of Interests and Management of Conflicts policy outlines how interests and conflicts are defined, to whom disclosure applies, and how ACP will assess and manage conflicts when they are present.

For more information about ACP's policy or electronic disclosure system, please contact Lauren Cruz at acpdisclosures@acponline.org.