
Chapter Governors

1941-1953 Lawrence Parsons, Reno


Note: From 1953-1980 Chapter leadership represented both the Nevada and Northern California regions.


1953-1961 Stacy R. Mettier, San Francisco
1961-1968 Roberto F. Escamilla, San Francisco (Chair, 1966-68)
1968-1973 John R. Gamble, San Francisco and St. Helena (Vice-Chair, 1969-70, Chair, 1971-73)
1973-1977 Maurice Fox, Palo Alto
1977-1980 Ralph O. Wallerstein, San Francisco
1980-1985 Robert J. Barnet, Reno
1985-1989 Alan William Feld, Las Vegas
1989-1990 Roger K. Ferguson, Reno (Elected to 1993, Served only to June 1990)
1990-1991 Stanley R. Shane, Reno (Appointed in June 1990 until Governor-elect took office in 1991 at Annual Session in New Orleans)
1991-1995 Robert W. Clark, Las Vegas
1995-1999 John A. Ellerton, Las Vegas
1998-2000 Larry Lehrner, Henderson (Transitional Governor)
1999-2003 Arnold Wax, Henderson
2003-2007 Jim Christensen, Henderson
2007-2010 Eugene L Speck, Las Vegas
2011-2015 Warren H. Evins, MD, PhD, FACP, Las Vegas
2015-2019 Evan M. Klass, MD FACP, Reno
2019-2023 T Brian Callister, MD SFHM FACP, Reno
2023-present Sandhya Wahi-Gururaj, MD, FACP, Las Vegas