
Jane F. Desforges Distinguished Teacher Award

The award is bestowed upon a FACP or MACP who has demonstrated the ennobling qualities of a great teacher as judged by the accomplishments of former students. These students should have been inspired by the nominee and achieved positions of influence in the field of medical education, primarily as teachers. If the awardee has not previously been elected to MACP, it will be awarded when elected.

The Awards Committee requires at least two supporting letters for the nominee from former students/trainees who have become outstanding teachers themselves. The nominator is asked to provide a description of the candidate’s current or past direct teaching activities as well as a description of the nominee’s advisory and mentoring activities with individuals other than the nominator. Teaching awards and honors should be listed along with a brief description of the criteria used to select recipients, if not evident from the title.

Nominating and supporting letters should address:

  • How the nominee has influenced the nominator as a teacher in medical education.
  • What is unique about the nominee’s teaching style/method?
  • Whether there are measures/indicators of the level of the nominee’s commitment to students/residents and medical education.
  • Which of the nominator's accomplishments are attributed to the nominee's influence in the role of mentor or role model?

Established: 1968

In Honor of Dr. Jane F. Desforges, MACP and the first woman to receive the award. (Award named in her honor in 2007.)

Full Lists of Recipients